Blast From The Past: Lisa Stansfield

Clay Cane has a throwback to the legendary dia Lisa Stansfield who had such early 1990s hits as "All Around The World" and "You Can't Deny It." Here's Lisa doing her thing Live at the Apoll (Chile, look at the mess that Sinbad is wearing!)

Non-Latinos Have Problems Too

I expected this Times article to reveal some juicy info. But no.
As Connecticut's largest minority group and the fastest-growing segment of the population here and nationwide, Latinos are an important barometer of the state. According to a comprehensive study... pessimism and concern permeate a population that sees itself as unable to afford the cost of living and are underrepresented in positions of power that lead to change... The biggest concerns among adults were taxes, health insurance, poor public education, and the cost of living.
You didn't need to interview Latinos to find that out. Except for the underrepresented part, they could be talking about me and many other non-Latinos in the FC.

I don't mean to be too flip; I know I don't have the serious problems the study addresses. The survey talks about a 50 percent drop-out rate among Latinos, whereas my concern is having a chance in Hades of buying a house in Stamford. I get that there's a difference, but nothing in this survey was surprising. In fact, everything I'm saying right now is so obvious that I doubt anyone will comment; there's nothing new to say about this!

I hope my post title is not offensive to anyone, but maybe I'll generate some controversy and get press like the guy from the blog I hate.

Good News For Obama

Yesterday the news came out that Barack Obama won more delegates in Texas than Hilary Clinton.

The same day came word that the Clinton campaign is having difficulty paying its bills and that Obama has opened up a statistically signifcant lead in the daily tracking Gallup poll of 52-42.

Obama Wins Texas (Finally!)

The results of Texas' byzantinely complicated primary and caucus election are now in and the candidate who emerged with the most delegates is (drumroll) Barack Obama. Although Hillary Clinton won the Texas primary election by a 51-47 margin that earned her a 65-61 edge in delegates, Obama's 58-42 superior performance in the caucus section of the "Texas Two Step" earned him a 38-29 edge in pledged delegates, thus Obama will end up with 5 more delegates out of Texas than his Democratic opponent.

Stamford Dog Park Coming Soon...

I’m semi-excited about the dog park. Parks and Rec approved it and chose a site off exit 9, just at the corner of Courtland Ave and East Main. The Board of Reps needs to approve the building of the site, which will cost $40,000 to build. Friends of Stamford Dog Park is trying to raise money so the city only has to maintain the park. I don’t see any problems with the park, as the kind of people who bring their dogs to a dog park are the kinds of people who police themselves.

I haven’t been to the location, but I like the fact that you can get there by back roads if 95 is trafficky. I think the park will be a good way to meet people, and Lord knows Stamford needs that. Not everyone likes the Hunt complex site; read the Times or Advocate articles for more details.

I don’t think my dog will benefit from the dog park, as she doesn’t know how to play. She’s a coonhound, a rescue from West Virginia, and she has the personality of an 80 year-old woman. On weekends, she and I each take a couch and nap the day away.

Two related stories:

- Currently, many Stamford dog owners take their dogs to the dog park at Waveny in New Canaan, or let them off the leash at Mianus River Park on the border of Greenwich and Stamford. Expect mayhem at Mianus. I took a walk with a friend there last fall, and a little Bichon Frise sprinted past, then, unbeknowst to me, raced back toward me, leapt up feet first, and planted a muddy pawprint on each of my butt cheeks.

- My friend’s French bulldog, a brindle named Gilly, lives in NYC. He’s chill, so when he goes to the park, he sits on the bench with the dog owners. Gilly recently started breaking out in eczema-type patches, so the vet tested him for allergies. Gilly is allergic to pollen and- get this- humans. The dog is allergic to humans. This is a picture of Gilly and his sister Laverne fighting over a flower stem. Those colorful scraps are fabric swatches.

I think the dog park will give us some laughs.

SD-3: Migden Booed Off The Stage at Party Convention

According to Be_Devine at Calitics and another blogger who was there, there was an incident involving State Senator Carole Migden at the Women's Caucus meeting of the California Democratic Party convention in San Jose on Friday.

Here's the relevant excerpt from Melissa's first hand account:
We walked in and who was at the podium in front of hundreds of people? Carole Migden! And Mark Leno was standing in the back of the room! I looked around and saw lots of women holding Leno signs and gay men holding Migden signs. And the supporters were heckling each other! Hilarious!

I later learned that this was a meeting of the California Democratic Party Women's Caucus. Migden launched into her speech, which fell pretty flat until she got to the part about how "women should vote for women" and pointed to a group of women in the corner of the room (some of whom were, um...not-petite) who were holding Leno signs and said:

"Are those women? They look like heavy guys to me."

I shit you not.

Allow me to repeat that:

"Are those women? They look like heavy guys to me."

The room was silent for a second while we all thought the same thing: "Did she just effing say that?" Then the place erupted with boos and curses that did not stop.

The woman next to me scowled and said, "Can you believe this?"

"No!" I squealed! "I love it!!" (Sanity is no fun to write about.)

Then one of the women on the panel on the stage said, "You need to stop speaking, you are disrupting our caucus." So Carole had to step down.

The endorsement of the Democratic Party in Senate District 3 will go to the convention floor. At the first endorsement vote Migden received 55%, Leno 42% and Nation 3%. The typical threshhold for a state party endorsement is 60%, unless you are an incumbent, then it is lower!

In the open seat to replace termed-out Assemblymember Lloyd Levine in AD-40, my friend Laurette Healey is running, but although Bob Blumenfield got the 60% threshhold but over 300 signatures were obtained to pull the AD-40 endorsement from the consentment calendar.

Sir Ian McKellen Expresses Interest In The Hobbit

Openly gay actor Sir Ian McKellen, who played the pivotal character of Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings movies, has expressed his interest in reprising the characters in the upcoming prequel film adapations of The Hobbit.

Although Oscar-winning producer/director/screenwriter of Lord of the Rings Peter Jackson will not be directing the Hobbit films, he will likely be producing them, and according to McKellen, has only one actor in mind to play Gandalf (who plays an even bigger role in The Hobbit than he does in Lord of the Rings).

[A] fan asked: "Have you been approached yet by Peter Jackson or anyone else" to play the ancient Wizard?

McKellen replied: "Encouragingly, Peter and (partner) Fran Walsh have told me they couldn't imagine `The Hobbit' without their original Gandalf."

"Their confidence hasn't yet been confirmed by the director Guillermo del Toro, but I am keeping my diary free for 2009!" he said.
The news that Guillermo del Toro (Pan's Labyrinth, Hellboy, Hellboy II) has the inside track to actually direct the movies has been an ill-kept secret for sometime.

Interestingly, the Hobbit movies will likely be competing at the box-office with the two last Harry Potter movies which the final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, will be released as in 2010 and 2011.

Gay Married Man Refused U.S. Passport

hat/tip to Towleroad for this story.

Jason Hair-Wynn, a gay Massachusetts man who married his partner in 2005 and
legally changed his name to add his partner's, must change it back to his old
name, Jason Hair, if he wants a passport says the State Department.

According to the Sun Chronicle, the State Department says the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) prohibits them from recognizing his married name: "'We are unable to comply with your request for a name change based on the documentation you sent
because of the Defense of Marriage Act ...,' the letter states. 'In determining
the meaning of any Act of Congress, or of any ruling, regulation, or
interpretation of the various administration bureaus and agencies of the United
States, the word 'marriage' means only a legal union between one man and one
woman as husband and wife, and the word 'spouse' refers only to a person of the
opposite sex who is a husband or a wife.'"

Joe.My.God has also picked up this egregious story.

Defending Champ Djokovic Loses In Miami

Current Australian Open champion and World #3 Novak Djokovic lost his first match at the Sony Ericsson Open in Miami against American qualifier Kevin Anderson 7-6 (1) 3-6 6-4. The Serbian player was coming off winning the first Masters Series tournament of the year at the Pacific Life Open on Sunday and was the defending champion at the Miami Masters.
Djokovic lost the match despite being up a break 2-0 in the third and deciding set when the umpire gave him a warning for a time violation serving at deuce. Djokovic won the next point but eventually was broken and later lost a streak of 8 points in a row. Anderson is a 6 foot 7 inch former NCAA Doubles champion who made it to the Tennis Channel Open final last month, losing to 6 foot 6 inch American Sam Querrey.

Vermont Residents Support Converting Civil Unions Into Marriages is reporting that a majority of Vermont residents in a poll support expanding marriage rights to same-sex couples.

The survey was taken of people attending town meetings across the state. It found that 54-percent said they support allowing gay couples to marry while 37-percent were opposed.


Support this year for same-sex marriage showed an increase of eight-percent over 2007.

The commission studying same-sex marriage will present its report to the legislature next month. Members have been close-lipped on what they will recommend.

The commission was set up last year to look into Vermont's civil unions law to see if it is providing equality for gay and lesbian couples and to determine if the law should be amended to provide for same-sex marriage.

As someone who was "civilly united" in Burlington, Vermont in 2000 I follow what happens in Vermont pretty closely, despite being a California resident. It will be interesting to see if Vermont does legislatively expand marriage to same-sex couples whether they institute a new residency requirement. Massachusetts has had equal marriage rights for lesbian and gay couples since May 17, 2004 but also has a residency requirement.

FPPC Countersues Migden for $9 MILLION

Things just seems to be getting worse and worse for State Senator Carole Migden. Yesterday, the California Fair Political Practices Commission filed a countersuit for 9 million dollars against her. Last week, the FPPC levied the largest fine ever against a state political candidate against Senator Migden.

Migden is one of the most senior members of the California LGBT legislative Caucus. She is facing a primary challenge from another openly gay politician, Assemblymember Mark Leno, for the right to represent the City of San Francisco in State Senate District 3.

Human Life-Sized Art Downtown

I am against this project! Bring back the cows!

This line in the Stamford Times was bad news for me: The annual sculpture and photography exhibit, "Art in Public Places," will be on display this summer in the streets of downtown Stamford, featuring life-size sculptures of artist J. Seward Johnson.

I had a disturbing experience with the human statue parade a few years ago. I was driving on Main Street in front of the Ferguson and was startled to see a man in a suit leaning out into traffic... to realize a second later that it was a statue.

What the- don’t they realize we are all distracted drivers? Why place a statue of a businessman who looks like he's in a rush right by a busy street? At least have him turned away from the road, gesticulating to an invisible friend, so no one slams on the brakes because they think he's about to jaywalk.

A few weeks later, in the little park across from the Avon Theatre, I saw a statue of a black man with white albino patches on his face, again leaning into traffic and wearing a business suit. That’s an odd choice for a statue, I thought, but it's cool that the human statue parade has a variety of types of people. Just after I passed the statue, he waved to his friend and crossed the road. Geez Louise. It’s a good thing that person wasn’t banking on me stopping to let him cross, because I would have run him right over.

The line between reality and fantasy is not clear enough in my mind to be able to handle the life-sized people statues. In the past week, a pregnant Angelina Jolie and scenes from Battlestar Galactica Season One have appeared in my dreams. Two months ago, I was dreaming about Sawyer from Lost because I was stressed out that he was stuck in the cage in season three.

For people with overactive imaginations, the human art is not the cute, clever experience it’s meant to be! Let’s bring back the Cow Parade. The colorful cows are more obvious works of art, so no one’s going to mistake them for real animals about to wander into a busy street.

What I do approve of is a photography competition associated with the human statues. See the Downtown Events website for more info and an application. The general idea is to take photos of people in Stamford that are "full body shots of ordinary life and people that reflect Johnson’s Classic series." I can handle photos. They're flat pieces of paper I'm not likely to mistake for real people.

Consider this post your warning to pay more attention when driving in downtown Stamford. Let's just hope they don't place this statue by a road.

The Pregnant Husband

I am surprised this story is not getting more attention. A transgender female-to-male who is married to his female spouse in Oregon has decided to carry the couple's child. So far I only see that The Advocate and Bilerico have had articles on the decision of Thomas Beatie to get pregnant.

The picture to the left is quite incredible.

The money quote is from Beatie himself:

How does it feel to be a pregnant man? Incredible. Despite the fact that my
belly is growing with a new life inside me, I am stable and confident being the
man that I am. In a technical sense I see myself as my own surrogate, though my
gender identity as male is constant. To Nancy, I am her husband carrying our
child—I am so lucky to have such a loving, supportive wife. I will be my
daughter’s father, and Nancy will be her mother. We will be a family.

Outside the local medical community, people don’t know I’m five months’ pregnant. But our situation ultimately will ask everyone to embrace the gamut of human possibility and to define for themselves what is normal.


All Hail The Queen (Of Soul)

Aretha Franklin is 66 years old today. The New York Times reviewed her weekend New York City concert on Monday.

Restaurant Review: Market in Stamford

I wish I could write about food in a calm, self-possessed way like New York Times reviewer Patricia Brooks, but gosh darnit if I can’t help but mention cartwheels and crotch-shots.

I can’t outdo my nemesis in food knowledge, so I’ll just tell you the food is some of the best you can get in Stamford. I’ll also tell you that the strawberry basil margarita is fantastico, and not short on tequila.

Market’s food is fun, almost as fun as Duo’s. For example, I got the veal ravioli… with pistachio cream sauce. Aaahhhhhhhhhh! (That was a scream of happiness.) Six ravioli filled me up and the last two made for a satisfying breakfast. Brooks' review describes it as: “stuffed with veal breast confit, garlicky spinach and herbed ricotta… topped with a sprinkle of pistachio burro fusso (bonded butter and nuts).” Whatever, Patricia; stop showing off, OK?

Our dining companions, the Z’s, rated the meal as one of the best they’ve had since moving here a year ago. Mr. Z reports that Mrs. Z “thoroughly enjoyed her Duck and Fried Rice Risotto and said that the leftovers were great even when eaten cold for lunch” and that the “Tagliatelle Bolognese, featuring their homemade pasta, was melt-in-your-mouth good.” My husband got the rib-eye, which I think was the most expensive meal on the menu at 42 bucks. The one bite he begrudgingly allowed me didn’t wow me.

For appetizers, the School of Tuna (tuna 4 ways- spicy, sweet, etc) is very Duo-ish, but not as good as Duo’s tuna pizza appetizer. Mr. Z. rated it as “only okay.” Mrs. Z. liked the meatballs, and my fish and chips had sweet batter and delicious scallops.

As far as dessert, Mr. and Mrs. Z liked the donuts with ricotta, but my chocolate warm cake in its own tiny skillet was mediocre and not melty enough. Tragic, tragic. Go to Duo or Napa and Co. for your chocolate dessert.

The food is expensive- appetizers 14-ish, entrees 23-ish and above. I’d say the pasta and duck fried rice is the best bang for your buck. I’ll again quote the sensible Mr. Z.: “Prices are high, but that's what I've come to accept in the FC, especially for a high-end place. That said, it was well worth the money. I'd happily go back again.”

Now, the crowd at Market. When I went on a Thursday evening in January, the place had a party of 75 (!) in the main room, so my friend and I squeezed in at the bar between attractive, clean-cut men and a young couple. When I was there last Wednesday, a corporation had taken over almost the entire restaurant. They were a little raucous, snapping pictures under the table like high-schoolers, but a thick curtain closed off their antics (good idea, Market). In the words of Mr. Z., “Service seemed good and friendly once the lecherous private party in the back was sated.” Market’s staff was attentive and adept both times I was there despite the restaurant being totally full.

Sources say that the craziest thing that has happened at Market is people doing cartwheels by the bar at closing time. (No small feat, because that’s not a big area.) Yes, Market's crowd has itself pretty much under control while still having a good time.

Video Disproving Hillary's Bosnia Story

The blog Attytood has good coverage of Hillary acknowledging her misstatement.

LAPD Chief Endorses His Predecessor's Rival

Los Angeles Police Department chief William Bratton is endorsing State Senator Mark Ridley-Thomas instead of former LAPD Chief (and now Los Angeles City counciperson) Bernard Parks in the interesting primary race for Los Angeles County Supervisor on the June 3rd ballot. Mad Professah has also endorsed Ridley-Thomas over Parks to replace Yvonne Brathwaite Burke in the County's plurality African American 2nd district.

Bratton's choice is a curious decision by one of the city's most astute politiciams because one would think that Bratton would like nothing less than to have the main who tried and failed to get a second term as LAPD chief (something Bratton achieved last summer despite presiding over a near-riot at an immigrant's rights rally the month before) to no longer be the person responsible for approving the budget of his department, which Parks does as Chair of the Los Angeles City Council Budget Committee.

The local paper of record reported:

"I'm not here as a police chief," said Bratton, careful to comply with a city ethics law requiring employees to make clear that "they are acting as individuals" when making political endorsements. But, he said, he also was "conscious of my right as a citizen."

A spokesman for Parks said the councilman didn't back political candidates when he held the LAPD's top job.


In backing Ridley-Thomas, Bratton said voters would get a strong leader with experience as a city councilman as well as in the Legislature. The only other time Bratton endorsed a candidate was in 2005, when he backed Alex Padilla's successful race for the state Senate.

Ridley-Thomas has received the backing of most of the county's unions and the Los Angeles Police Protective League. Parks' supporters include three county supervisors -- including Burke -- and six Los Angeles City Council member, among others.

I Don't Like 'Stuff White People Like'

Two people I respect have sent me a link to a site that I find despicable. Since the subject of the website is pretty much Fairfield County, let’s see what you think.

When the title of the website “Stuff White People Like” appeared on my screen, I felt a rush of humor and “that’s so funny” that was quickly replaced by the feeling “I will not give this site my time because the humor is based on ideas of race and class that I don’t find funny.” The site struck me as something a 19-year old boy would write.

Haha, white people like expensive lattes and North Face jackets. Actually, that’s what people with money can afford, and it follows race lines because most money lines in the US lie on race because of our history and all kinds of other complicated things. I refuse to look at the site again to think more about why I feel so repulsed by it.

Even if the site is really about socio-economics (as in “stuff yuppies like”), I personally don't find it that funny to laugh at rich people. It's not such a taboo subject for me that I have to joke about it. I can just discuss it.

I just found an interview with the author of SWPL (young white guy, big surprise). I find his comments absolutely stupid. This man needs to take some sociology classes and get a clue.
SWPL: oh yes. this site pokes fun at ME. that’s why I use pictures of myself. those aren’t taken out of irony. this is the shit that I do. I need to call myself out for all of the stupid shit that I take for granted. why do I need $300 bike rims? why is a $10 sandwich considered normal?

It’s fine that this kid is working through his feelings about race and class, but he’s not calling himself out. He’s just making a bunch of jokes. Often humor deals with things we find uncomfortable. I guess that’s what’s going on with the author of SWPL, but I find his writing small-minded, mean-spirited, and not very enlightening.

I'm not trashing the people who sent me the link... but I want to know why people who I know are intelligent like the site. Why do people who care about race and issues relating to race and class find it funny?

Maybe it’s funny to laugh at people, like the one about how all white people think their kids are gifted. But I don’t have to laugh at that- I can just talk about it, because I know those people. When I had just moved up here from Virginia, 8 years ago, maybe I would have found jokes about yuppies funnier. Maybe it’s now too familiar to me to be funny. Or maybe it’s just not funny because the SWPL author is saying nothing new. I’m from an area where the majority of people were white or black, and I took a lot of courses on African-American history and lit in college, so nothing that SWPL kid is saying are things I haven’t already heard in a way more interesting format.

Can someone please tell me why smart people think the site is funny?

Pacific Life Open: Serbs Rule

Novak DjokovicAna Ivanovic

At the Pacific Life Open, the most well-attended non-Grand Slam tennis event in the world, Serbians Novak Djokovic and Ana Ivanovic claimed the 2008 titles. Ivanovic defeated Russian Svetlana Kuznetsova 6-4, 6-3 while Djokovic beat American Mardy Fish 6-2, 5-7, 6-3.

Hillary Takes Lead in National Gallup Poll

Rod 2.0 alerted me to the current Gallup Poll of Democrats which shows that Hillary Clinton has now moved ahead of Barack Obama in percentage of respondents saying who they would prefer as the Democratic presidential nominee.

Hillary's Financial Difficulties

The FEC filings for February are now being examined and there's some peculiar news about Hillary Clinton and John McCain's finances.

After spending about $31 million in her efforts to keep up with Senator Barack Obama, Mrs. Clinton finished February with more than $33 million in cash on hand, but $21.5 million of that is earmarked exclusively for the general election, leaving her with $11.7 million for the primary.

Mrs. Clinton, however, loaned her campaign $5 million earlier this year and she listed $8.7 million in debts to various vendors, making clear why she has not yet paid herself back from her loan.

By way of comparison, Senator Barack Obama, her Democratic opponent, brought in $55 million in February, a record-setting sum, and spent about $43 million, leaving him with $31.6 million in cash on hand available for the primary and $7.3 million set aside for the general. He also did a much better job paying his bills, listing just $625,000 in outstanding debts.
Hillary Clinton raised $35 million in February while John McCain raised a paltry $11 million.

Cool Stuff You (Even Men) Can Buy in Stamford

I have to show you these flowers. They are only 5 bucks with your Stop and Shop card. (At least at the Super Stop and Shop they are.) The darker pink flowers have lasted for over a week. Men, buy these for the lady in your life. You lazy bastards!

I have a phobia of shopping, so most things I buy are from Stop and Shop. I prefer stand-alone stores, as they are easy to escape. This Nalgene bottle is from Eastern Mountain Sports, a stand-alone (well, stand-with-Mrs. Green's) store on High Ridge.

I got it because I don't drink enough water and I thought a pretty water bottle would attract me. Plus, the people on my favorite show, Biggest Loser: Couples Edition carry the bottles around. I got a smaller blue one that fits in the cup holder of the cardio machines. I was tired of using disposable water bottles so I thought I'd invest in these. The big bottle is 8 bucks, and the smaller one 7.50. It's not in the picture because it was in my gym bag.

The coffee mug in this pic is so you can have a sense of the size of the Nalgene bottle and flowers. They're all pretty big!

Anand Wins Linares-Morelia for 2nd Consecutive Year

This news came out a few weeks ago, but I think it's important to post here as well.
GM Viswanathan Anand of India, won the 25th edition of the Morelia/Linares super grandmaster tournament. The current World Champion, one of the two top-ranked players in the world, finished a half point (+4-1=9) ahead of GM Magnus Carlsen (Norway, +5-3=6). Carlsen, 17 years old, finished a half point ahead of GMs Levon Aronian (Armenia, +3-2=9) and Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria, +5-4=5).

Stamford School Board: Secretive or Senseless?

An article in yesterday’s Advocate starts:
The Board of Education Redistricting Committee last night voted to close an elementary school in 2009 but delayed a decision on which one for at least a month.
I’m sorry, is that a joke? Have you not been hashing out the same question for six months?

The school board has been delaying the same decision since October, when they first announced their nebulous plan to close a school. In January, the board still hadn’t announced which school would close, despite ominious hints it would be Toquam Elementary. Finally, by early March, the board announced to the parents that Toquam would be closed. They also offered a completely whacked out plan about where the Toquam kids would go.

Last weekend, the New York Times covered the situation, highlighting the fact that Toquam appeared to be an ideal school: small, racially balanced, good test scores, parent support. Two days ago, the board has delayed the decision for a month… the same decision they’d been delaying since October.

To the untrained eye, this looks like a Stooges skit with everyone running around and bumping heads. Many of these untrained eyes are considering buying homes in the area, and they’re thinking, When I have kids, do I want to deal with this? Should I buy a cheaper home in Fairfield, where I hear the schools are good, and just suck up the commute?

In the Stamford Times, A.J. O’Connell writes:
Malloy, a non-voting member of the board of education, told the board at a redistricting committee meeting that more dialogue with the parents, the state and with the community is needed before the board can decide which school to close.

I’m glad he’s stepping in… but hasn’t there been dialogue over the past 6 months? What new info will come forth in this new dialogue, and where was that info last week?

O’Connell reports details that make the situation even more gossip-worthy. The mayor stepped in to delay the decision… by cutting the furniture budget of the new Cove inter-district magnet school that’s under construction (which, try to follow me, is why an elementary school needs to be closed). Cutting the budget means the new school can’t open in Sept. ’09, meaning an old school won’t be closed (or something- I have a really hard time following all of this even though I read every newspaper article at least twice).

He took away the furniture budget so the school board won’t be able to implement the closing? How Robin Hood of him. To the untrained eye, it looks like Malloy thinks the school board is making bad decisions, and the only way he can stop them is with desperate measures like taking away tables and chairs.

I just reread the Advocate article and found a new aspect to an already laughable situation:
Board members agreed to the one-month delay to give Mayor Dannel Malloy time to talk to state officials about how the new school may be populated. Members were told the magnet school couldn't have a traditional attendance district, in which children are assigned to a building based on where they live… Malloy and board members were vague about what they hope to get from the state.

Vague? Really? As a prospective Stamford Public Schools parent, I don’t like to see the leadership behaving so erratically and mysteriously. What’s the big secret, guys?

I like to gossip, but I don’t like to be negative. I only want to emphasize that many people are watching right now. The board’s actions over the next month or two will determine if people see the school system as a bonus to a great city or the biggest reason to go elsewhere.

Related posts:

March 17: Stamford Press: Toquam in the NY Times

March 6: Toquam School Pretty Much Dead

Jan 8: Board of Ed Redistricting Hearing: Test Scores, Money, Suspense!

Oct 18: Stamford School Controversy Part 2

Oct 6: Stamford School Shakeup

Headless Chickens in the Greenwich Time

Well. I thought the Stamford Advocate had the market cornered on the strange headlines, but today's Greenwich Time caught my eye with "Headless chickens found behind bank."

The words "headless chickens" certainly must be a rare phrase to find in a newspaper, much less a Greenwich paper. I feel bad for the chickens (although I shouldn't, because I eat them three times a week) but it pleases me a bit to see the area and the newspapers spiced up with some out of the ordinary events. I'm tired of school boards and car accidents.

I chastised the Advocate in January for their horrible headline about a murder, but I can't fault the Time on their choice of headlines. There really was no other way they could have said it. I appreciate that they didn't try to be cute about it; they just gave the news. There were some headless chickens found behind a bank today, and we're not going to try to make it funny, and we're not going to make it into a big drama. Just the news, people.

Update: March 22- Chicken Investigation Continuing

Related posts:

--Bad Advocate headline in "Stamford's First Murder of 2008"

Richardson Endorses Obama For President

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and former Presidential candidate, congressperson, Secretary of Energy, and United Nations representative is endorsing Barack Obama for President.

Five Years Of War

The Iraq War, by the numbers, on its 5th anniversary this week:

Troops in Iraq - Total 164,481, including 155,000 from the US, 4,500 from the UK, 2,000 from Georgia, 900 from Poland, 650 from South Korea and 1,431 from all other nations

US Troop Casualities - 3,989 US troops; 98% male. 90% non-officers; 80% active duty, 12% National Guard; 74% Caucasian, 10% African-American, 11% Latino. 18% killed by non-hostile causes. 51% of US casualties were under 25 years old. 70% were from the US Army

Spent & Approved War-Spending - About $600 billion of US taxpayers' funds. President Bush has requested another $200 billion for 2008, which would bring the cumulative total to close to $800 billion.

U.S. Monthly Spending in Iraq - $12 billion in 2008
Cost of deploying one U.S. soldier for one year in Iraq - $390,000 (Congressional Research Service)

Lost & Unaccounted for in Iraq - $9 billion of US taxpayers' money and $549.7 milion in spare parts shipped in 2004 to US contractors.
Also, per ABC News, 190,000 guns, including 110,000 AK-47 rifles

Halliburton Overcharges Classified by the Pentagon as Unreasonable and Unsupported - $1.4 billion

Amount paid to KBR, a former Halliburton division, to supply U.S. military in Iraq with food, fuel, housing and other items - $20 billion

Portion of the $20 billion paid to KBR that Pentagon auditors deem "questionable or supportable" - $3.2 billion

Number of major U.S. bases in Iraq - 75 (The Nation/New York Times)

Now you know why Dick Cheny is smiling. Vote Democratic. Oooh Rah.

Agreement Reached On Instant Replay in Tennis

Finally! The governing body of tennis, the International Tennis Federation, in conjunction with the Women's Tennis Association and the Association of Tennis Professionals as well as the Grand Slam committee (which organizes the four annual major tournaments) have agreed on a standard, common protocol for electronic line calling.

Starting at next week's Sony Ericsson Open in Miami, there will be three (incorrect) player challenges per set, with an extra challenge added during the tiebreak. If the player is correct in the challenge to a call, they do not lose it. In matches where sets are not decided by a tiebreak, the number of challenges re-sets to 3 each after every twelve games.

Although three challenges is better than the two that player's have been working with at the U.S. Open and most other tournaments, I am in the camp of Mary Carillo. Why should there be any limit to the challenges a player makes? If the umpire feels that the player is abusing the system, they should have the authority to give them a warning "You are abusing the challenge system, from now on you will have 3 challenges remaining." And that would solve the problem.

Eventually software and hardware will improve so that a computer will be able to call every line anyway.

Napa and Co: Stamford’s Best $24 Burger

My husband and I got rejected from Market last Thursday, so we headed over to Napa. I intended to get the one affordable thing on the menu: $17 pasta. I took a look at the menu and remembered that a worldly, fashionable ninth grader had told me that Napa had a great burger. At 24 bucks, the burger is one of your cheaper dinner options.

Napa’s burger is the reason I found out about the bizarre ban imposed on the most a la mode restaurant in Stamford. I finally got that burger. I’ll tell you about it here since we’re not allowed to talk about Napa and Co. on the country’s most popular food discussion board, which I will not name! I’m imposing a ban on that site here.

The burger is Kobe beef on a brioche roll, with melted gouda, onions, and black pepper aioli. It’s juicy and fabulous and almost worth 24 bucks. You should try it. My husband got the pasta and it gave both of us heartburn. C’est la vie.

Bonus: the warm chocolate cake, which equals the fabulousness of Morton’s and Duo’s and adds a pistachio gelato. Knock me over with a spoon!

The lunch takeout counter at Napa, called The Pantry, looks to have a very well-priced sandwich menu. I also hear that the flatbreads are good, and a friend said the scallops were the best she'd ever eaten (and she's from Boston!).

Related posts:

--Stamford Steak Awards 2008

--Stamford's Napa and Co: Information Blackout?

--Duo's Fabulous Chocolate Dessert

SD-3: Migden Fined $350K For Campaign Finance Violations

Today's Daily Roundup has news of developments in the hot State Senate race to un-seat openly lesbian powerhouse Carole Migden. Migden was fined $350,000 by the California Fair Political Practices Commission. This is the largest fine ever levied against a candidate for statewide office.
Migden is in a tight race with Mark Leno and Joe Nation, who wasted no time piling on:
"It's stunning and staggering that things were that bad," said Nation. "I can't imagine you could have such sloppy bookkeeping."

Tom Higgins, Leno's campaign manager, said the sheer numbers alone tell the story: "$350,000 in fines ... 89 counts, more than $16,000 of her campaign funds used for personal purposes."
Ouch. It's looking worse and worse for Migden, but she's not hte kind of person you EVER count out. She is currently suing the FPPC in federal court in order to access 1 million dollars she has in previous campaign accounts for this race.

Gay(?) Sci-Fi Icon Arthur C Clarke is Dead

Joe.My.God has the details. Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Grand Master of Science Fiction, died on Wednesday in his home in Colombo, Sri Lanka at the age of 90. Interestingly, his Wikipedia entry does not mention his sexuality at all.

Neither the Los Angeles Times or New York Times obituaries mention Clarke's sexuality.

Clarke is best known for his collaboration with visionary film director Stanley Kubrick on the Oscar-nominated screenplay for the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, elements of which Clarke used to create a best-selling novel of the same name.

Similarly to Joe.My.God, I grew up reading Arthur C. Clarke's novels, although my first (and the only one I can remember reading at the time) was Childhood's End and in general I was more of a devotee of Isaac Asimov's work than either Clarke or Heinlein. Clarke's three sequels to 2001 were also best-sellers, despite being of ever decreasing quality.

It is true that Clarke had a genius for making wild predictions about future technology that have so far come true: geostationary satellites (now called Clarke orbits), cell phones, space stations and the Internet.

Some Higher-Ed News

From Inside Higher Ed we get some info on the size of the full-time professional employee population in Higher Ed and what jobs they are mostly performing.
Every other year, data released by the Education Department’s National Center for Education Statistics provide a snapshot of the growth of part-time positions in the professoriate. This year — an off-year for that data — the federal statistics provide evidence for another shift, in which the majority of full-time professional employees in higher education are in administrative rather than faculty jobs.
Very interesting, or at least I think so.

Join a Gym, or Stamford Will Make You Fat

This post is in honor of my other favorite show, Biggest Loser: Couples Edition. I once read in Shape magazine that Stamford was one of the healthiest areas in the country. One reason was our high number of gyms. I’m not sure if that makes us healthy, but I know why we work out so much.

It’s hard to find things to do on weeknights in Stamford. The only regular events are trivia, open mics and karaoke. Sometimes you don’t want to go to a bar, so it’s easy to fall back on eating out. With Capriccio’s lemon cake, gigantic portions at Kit’s Thai Kitchen, and Dairy Queen right on the main road, it is near impossible to keep slim.

To that end, I have finally joined Planet Fitness.

Husband: What??? Don’t you already belong to a gym???
Me: Yes, but I have a fabulous rate on it. I’m never quitting NYSC- that gym is the reason we will never move from this area. I joined you up, and I’m going to go as your free guest.
Husband: What? Noooooo!
Me: It’s too late. I already signed you up online.

With the $19.99 membership, you get free guests, so Planet Fitness, here we come. You also get free tanning, but don’t use that. It’s the reason skin cancer in young women is rapidly increasing. If you need a good dermatologist, email me.

Important info for singles: I eavesdropped on someone at my NYSC and she said that Yama Yoga on West Main has more men in their classes. My take: those men are clearly trying to meet women, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Related posts:

--Mystery, Power: Stamford and the Island of Lost- March '08

--I'm Going to Planet Fitness- Jan '08

--My NYSC: Through Good Times and in Bad- Nov. '07

A comment on capitalism

I really enjoyed this op-ed column over at the Washington Post. It begins like this:
Never do I want to hear again from my conservative friends about how brilliant capitalists are, how much they deserve their seven-figure salaries and how government should keep its hands off the private economy.

The Wall Street titans have turned into a bunch of welfare clients. They are desperate to be bailed out by government from their own incompetence, and from the deregulatory regime for which they lobbied so hard.
I definitely think it is worth the time to read the whole article.

It reminds me of something I was thinking about recently. I was thinking just the other day about the economic stimulus checks that are scheduled to be sent out this summer and mentally comparing it to FDR's programs. At least with many, if not most, of those programs the people who benefited from them had to work to gain the benefit. Programs like the CCC and others involved public works programs that employed people who couldn't find work elsewhere. The current plan just gives people money to go out and spend. How is that so much more conservative than the programs FDR initiated that conservatives seem to hate so much and have worked so hard to get rid of? Just wondering.

FC Saves Its Drama for Its Mamas

How many times have you been irritated at headlights blinding you as a car rides your ass on 95, or even a side street in Stamford or Greenwich? And how many times does that car turn out to be a Volvo station wagon driven by a woman? If you’ve been in the FC a while, you’re not surprised. This area revolves around women, many of whom are moms.

There’s a stereotype in this area of a blonde driving an SUV who terrorizes parking lots with her mediocre spatial relation skills. I don’t care for stereotypes. I don’t think that way, and neither should you. Keep an open mind: that woman could have brown hair, or be driving a BMW. Either way, watch out.

Most mama drama occurs in the private sphere, but you can get a glimpse of some major drama on the website I Saw Your Nanny. If people think they see a nanny cheating with a husband, they post a description of when and where. The site happens to be run out of Greenwich, a hotspot for FC mama drama. I found the site in October, when my google search for Stamford turned up a lurid nanny sighting at Crabshell. Da-rama!!!

Other mama drama topic: schools. Men don’t care about the test scores and teacher-student ratios of their kids’ elementary school. It’s up to the moms to rampage about that. Sure, the parent websites for saving Toquam are run by men, but the internet is a skewed sample because it’s dominated by men… men that women shamelessly exploit for their computer expertise. Men are but tools in mamas’ dramas.

If you’re out during the day in Stamford, or in any bar in the evening, you might wonder if some of the FC drama involves men. How could it not, with so many of them out and about? Well, watch those men for 5 minutes and you’ll understand that men, without women, are boring. Men don’t provide drama. They don’t act over the top at bars. They don’t wave their diamond-covered hands as they laugh raucously. They just stand there talking and drinking beers. That’s not drama.

That’s not drama… and that’s OK. Someone’s got to be stable and staid, and someone’s got to be an audience for the drama after 7pm. Someone’s got to drive defensively. Someone’s got to administer the websites. Men don’t provide drama, but you know they're secretly glad to be included.

Related Stamford Talk posts:

--I discover the site in "Blog for Paranoid Parents Across the US"

--I find out it's based in Greenwich in "Nanny Craze Hits Stamford"

--I tell you what you already know (men are helpless without women) in "Stamford's Single Women: Where Are You?"

Why Choose Hillary or Obama? Choose Both!

Hat/tip Joe.My.God.

Stamford Press: Toquam in the NY Times

The New York Times features the closing* of Toquam in an article called "Stamford Will Close K-5 Magnet School." The article captures the shady reasoning behind the decision to close one of Stamford's four schools (out of twenty) that meets NCLB standards.

As usual, Starr and the school board end up looking weak:
Joshua P. Starr, the district superintendent, said that closing the lowest performing schools may produce worse academic results and that the board has learned from the successful practices at Toquam.

... what have they learned, exactly?

I have never, in all of the newspaper articles from the past 7 months, heard of the school board giving a single example of what they’ve learned from Toquam. In fact, a Toquam parent told me that one reason parents are so upset is that the school board has given no indication of how they plan to replicate Toquam’s success.

If the school board has a plan to implement any of Toquam’s practices, they’re not sharing it. Instead, they’re offering empty platitudes to excuse what appears to be a careless solution to Stamford's budget issues and bad long-term planning in relation to school numbers.

On a possibly more positive note, I am very interested in how Stamford plans to racially balance every single one of its elementary schools. I think it’s an important goal, but can you imagine how many kids they’ll have to move? If they can’t even smoothly close one school, how are they going to shake up all of the eleven remaining elementary schools without creating a big, poorly-thought out mess?

Speaking of poorly-thought out:
District officials say they will keep working with the parents to find a way to keep the Toquam students together even as they integrate into the new school.
“No one wants to be in the position of having to close a school,” Dr. Starr said to the parents. “Moving them is a good idea to maintain continuity.”

That last sentence begs so many questions and “huh?”s.

Past Stamford Talk articles on Stamford schools:

Stamford School Shake Up: SOS- October 11, 2007

Stamford School Controversy Part 2- October 18, 2007

Redistricting: Test Scores, Money, Suspense!- January 8, 2008

Toquam School Pretty Much Dead- March 6, 2008

*Update 3/18: The Save Toquam site notes that the Times said that Toquam is going to be closed, but that the board will not make the final decision until Wednesday.

Spring in Stamford=Illegal ATV Riding

Spring in Stamford means the re-opening of the Stamford Skate Park, buying your $20 Cove Beach Pass, and dusting off your tennis rackets. In my neighborhood, it means something else. The following dialogue is verbatim because I typed it as we were talking.

Husband: Oh by the way guess what I saw on our street the other day.
I shout: Coyote?
Wait, don’t tell me! Turkey buzzard?
A meteor? Girl scouts selling cookies?
The guy in the blue car who always speeds?

K-9 division of the Stamford police?
No. It’s neither beast nor fowl.
The lady with the fox dog?
No. Are you-
No no don’t tell me! I want to keep thinking. Mounted police? Schwann man?

Husband: It’s a harbinger of spring, or summer.
A robin?
It’s neither fowl nor beast.
Hm…. summer, summer, something in summer… a convertible?
It’s a combination that includes a vehicle.
A skidoo?
A camper? The ice cream truck!!!
Shakes head.
The dog catcher? A motorcycle with a side cart? A hovercraft?

I muse aloud: A harbinger of spring… or summer… a snake? A crayfish?
Husband: In the northeast, it’s an indication of spring- in this very particular area we live in.
The book mobile!!!!!
(Laughs) No.

I muse: In Stamford or Greenwich, a harbinger of spring…
Husband: No, like a smaller area.
In Bull’s Head?
Probably even a smaller area than that.
Bunnies? Oh it’s not beast.

Husband: It involves a vehicle and only really involves the street we live on.
Me: But what other vehicle do I watch obsessively besides the garbage truck? OH- the guy with the ATV and the kid!!!

There is a guy a few streets over who rides on a four-wheeler, in the street, with his four year-old kid in his lap, with no helmet of any kind. I’m astounded. People go so fast on our street- it’s a 25 mph street, and people often go 40 or 45. But if off-roading in Belltown means the weather’s getting nicer, well… I’ll let it go.

Mad Professah in DC

I'm traveling out of town, reviewing grant proposals for the National Science Foundation in Washington, D.C. through Tuesday. Light blogging for the most part until then. Watch the video of Keith Olberman!

Stamford Mall Robbery Times Two

Geez. I didn’t write about Monday's stabbing at the Stamford Mall (aka Stamford Town Center), and as if to make sure it got proper attention, the mall was the site of a robbery Wednesday.
The second attack was actually outside the mall, in a “glass enclosure that leads to the Stamford Town Center parking garage.” I stupidly don’t know for sure where Veteran’s Park is; I thought it was right near the Avon Theatre, but the article says the robbery occurred off Veteran’s Park and Atlantic. I googlemapped it, googleimaged it, nothing. I hope someone can tell me where exactly the robbery occurred so I can put it on my mental map of Stamford crime.

Both victims were teens, and both were attacked by four men. The first was stabbed when he resisted a robbery in a mall bathroom, and the second was robbed at knifepoint. The police did catch one of the four suspects, who turned out to be 17. I’m not a teen, so I hope I’m safe, but still.

The first attack was inside the mall, right outside Saks. I mentioned the first robbery to a friend a couple days ago, and she said, “Oh, in the stairway outside Saks that leads to the street? Yeah I always see a bunch of high school hooligans there doing high school hooligan things.” However, the article seems to indicate the robbery was indoors, on the fifth floor, and not in some sort of outside entrance.

Dammit Stamford! Part of me is annoyed that you are dangerous, and thinks, Maybe I should sell my soul or firstborn child so I can live in Greenwich, but another part of me likes your excitement factor. That might sound sick, but I think it’s human nature.

Me to husband this morning: Hey, another person was robbed near the Stamford Mall.
Well, apparently your dream came true.
Me: What?
You were just saying last night that you wanted something like this.
Me: ...Oh yeah.
(I had said there was no good gossip in Stamford recently.)

MSNBC video on the Ferraro Racist Comment

Pam alerted me to this response to 1984 Vice Presidential candidate (and former Hillary Clinton surrogate) Geraldine Ferraro's inarguably racist comments about Barack Obama:
If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.

In the video below, MSNBC anchor Keith Olberman's response.

Fun Quote About Computers and Cars

This is a fun quote:

If the automobile had followed the same development cycle as the computer, a Rolls-Royce would today cost $100, get a million miles per gallon, and explode once a year, killing everyone inside.

Robert X. Cringely, InfoWorld magazine

Remo's Pizza, Peeps, Red Wine, Weight Loss

I had lunch yesterday at Remo's Brick Oven Pizza and was pleasantly surprised. The 12" veggie pizza Napoleonata was piled with vegetables and only 12 bucks. The eggplant was steamed, not fried, the spinach generous, and the cheese light. I would prefer the pizza sauce to be less sweet, but overall, it's a good meal option if you're trying to be healthy like I am.

I had a friend over for dinner, and the leftover pizza fed both of us (supplemented with hummus, carrots, and a small bunless burger). To cap off the healthy evening, we sat on the couch eating Peeps, drinking wine, and watching Biggest Loser: Couples Edition. It's an incredible show, and I feel bad for you if you don't watch it. The new cocoa peeps are worth a try.

So how 'bout that Spitzer scandal? Who saw that coming? At happy hour three girlfriends and I debated if it was worse to have an affair or to see a prostitute. They agreed prostitute, since it meant the person didn't have romantic love for someone else, but I shouted across the table, "At least affairs are legal!!!" The Clubhouse on Stillwater has pretty good happy hour deals, and it's virtually empty if you want some quiet chatting time with friends.

Implications of New Governor of New York

Government Eliot Spitzer of New York has resigned (effective March 17) and thus Lieutenant Governor David A. Paterson will become the first African American and blind Governor of the State of New York.

There have only been two Black men to serve as chief executive of a state since the Reconstruction era, Doug Wilder (Virginia 1990-1994) and Deval Patrick (Massachusetts 2006-). Paterson will serve out the remaining two and a half years of Spitzer's term (until January 2011).

Interestingly, although Spitzer was known as an especially pro-LGBT politician, Paterson may be even more supportive.

According to The Agenda, the blog of the Empire State Pride Agenda, which is New York's equivalent to California's Equality California, the statewide LGBT political lobbying organization:

“David Paterson’s leadership is a story of commitment to civil liberties and human rights. He believes in equality and justice for all New Yorkers and has demonstrated this time and time again in both words and actions.

He has been a strong and consistent friend of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community ever since he was elected to public office in 1985. He worked hard as a State Senator to help pass hate crimes legislation in 2000 and, in his first weeks as Senate Minority Leader, worked to make sure that there were enough Democratic votes to pass the Sexual Orientation Non-Discrimination Act (SONDA) in 2002.

We are excited to begin working with him as Governor.”
Another interesting aspect of Paterson's elevation to Governor is that State Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno, the main impediement to LGBT legislative process in the state of New York, will be elevated to Lieutenant Governor and there will no longer be a tie-breaking vote in the 62-member body, which currently has 32 Republicans and 30 Democrats. To me this means that until Governor Paterson is able to get a new Lieutenant Governor, the Democrats will need two more seats to obtain an outright majority (i.e. 32 Senators) instead of only one seat, to sieze complete control of the New York State legislative and executive branches.

Interestingly, as Blabbeando notes, if the Democrats to take over control of the New York State Senate in November 2008, the new Senate Majority Leader will be the man who replaced David Paterson as Senate Minority Leader, fellow African American Malcolm A. Smith. Then two out of three legislative branches would be helmed by African Americans.

REVIEW: The York (Highland Park, CA)

Pan-seared tilapia, Swiss chard, lentils with bacon ($15)

Cheddar burger, spicy harissa aioli, pickled onions, rocket, fries ($13)
Grilled salmon salad, peppercress, arugula, pignoli, citrus vinaigrette ($14)
Pulled pork Cuban sandwich, mustard aioli, gruyere, ham, pickle, slaw ($12)

The York on York Boulevard in Highland Park is a hip new bar and restaurant ("gastropub") which has been getting good reviews since it opened last year. Mad Professah stopped by the spot twice in the same week and was able to get a good sampling of the food and ambiance.

Specifically, I ordered the cheddar burger and fries while the Other Half ordered the tilapia. The fries are outstanding, with the burger cooked exactly right and placed on a very fresh bun with excellent trimmings. The tilapia was also quite good, with the slightly sour flavor of the chard and lentils forming an interesting counterpoint to the delicate but sweet fish. The food is surprisingly good for "bar food." I didn't personally taste the grilled salmon salad but I have reports that it was tasty. On my second visit to The York I ordered the pulled pork cuban sandwich, which is not bad, but I would prefer any of the cuban sandwiches at Porto's Bakery and Cafe (which also cost one-third the price).

The two different nights I went to the York I was impressed with the ambiance of the place. It has beautiful 20-foot ceilings with exposed rafters and very stylish lighting which provides just the right amount of ambient lighting. In addition, the music was interesting and not too loud. The clientele was an unusual (for Highland Park) mix of Eastside hipsters, college students and others.



Connnecticut Film Festival in Norwalk

The CT Film Festival continues into May; this weekend, movies are in Norwalk.

See the CFF homepage for movies and times. I learned about the Stamford dates too late, although I did read about it in the Fairfield Weekly. A reader emailed to tip me off to this weekend's movies, so thank you!

I love film festivals. The most amazing one I ever went to was the Documentary Film Festival in Greenwich in the Fall of 2004. I haven't been able to find it since, though.

Bookstore Guide for Stamford Readers

Residents of the FC are notoriously over-educated, and that’s why we like bookstores. Borders and Barnes and Noble are trusty behemoths, but don’t forget the Friends of the Ferguson Library Used Bookstore. I went there today and got 5 books for 6 bucks. The bookstore is attached to a Starbucks with free wi-fi, which might be why the Ferguson is the second-busiest library in the state of Connecticut.

For independent bookstores, the best in the area is Barrett Bookstore in Darien, conveniently located off exit 10. Diane’s Books and Just Books in Greenwich come in 2nd and 3rd because they’re small and don’t have all the great cards that Barrett does. Barrett has cushy leather couches to read on, or you can plunk on the floor in the biography section for an hour and no one will bother you. I appreciate that.

I found this disturbing scene at Borders a couple of weeks ago: a TV on in the magazine section! It was horrible! How is one supposed to thumb trough trashy magazines with Oprah babbling in one’s ear? To me, that TV is a direct assault on magazine shoppers. Borders, I’m going to get you.

A funny post by my blogger friend Sarah got me thinking about bookstores. Read her mini-drama “’I’m Looking for a Book’: Scenes from Retail Hell.” She really is a very clever writer with a knack for capturing human quirks. She has probably had way too much education for her own good, but isn’t that why we’re all here in the FC?

Federer Comes Back To Beat Sampras

Monday night at Madison Square Garden in New York City 26-year old World #1 Roger Federer beat 36-year-old 14-time Grand Slam champion Pete Sampras 6-3, 6-7(4) 7-6(6) at an exhibition match played in front of 19,000 people. Or as the Wall Street Journal's Daily Fix put it: "Federer celebrates barely beating a retired player 10 years older than him." OUCH.

Mad Professah watched the match and looked to me like Federer was mostly taking it easy and basically just relaxed when he was up 2-0 in the third set. He then preceded to lose 5 games in a row as Sampras shook off the rust and proceeded to dominate the youngster with his serve and volley game. However, despite being 2 points away from the match times, Sampras was not able to get a match point and close it out.

HO NO! Gov. Spitzer Sex Scandal

Thanks to Joe.My.God I was alerted to this New York Post headline about the Eliot Spitzer sex scandal.

Although it appears unlikely that he will be able to salvage his position as Governor of New York (or his political career), Mad Professah disagrees that he should resign. Professor Alan Dershowitz agrees with me.