SD-3: Migden Booed Off The Stage at Party Convention

According to Be_Devine at Calitics and another blogger who was there, there was an incident involving State Senator Carole Migden at the Women's Caucus meeting of the California Democratic Party convention in San Jose on Friday.

Here's the relevant excerpt from Melissa's first hand account:
We walked in and who was at the podium in front of hundreds of people? Carole Migden! And Mark Leno was standing in the back of the room! I looked around and saw lots of women holding Leno signs and gay men holding Migden signs. And the supporters were heckling each other! Hilarious!

I later learned that this was a meeting of the California Democratic Party Women's Caucus. Migden launched into her speech, which fell pretty flat until she got to the part about how "women should vote for women" and pointed to a group of women in the corner of the room (some of whom were, um...not-petite) who were holding Leno signs and said:

"Are those women? They look like heavy guys to me."

I shit you not.

Allow me to repeat that:

"Are those women? They look like heavy guys to me."

The room was silent for a second while we all thought the same thing: "Did she just effing say that?" Then the place erupted with boos and curses that did not stop.

The woman next to me scowled and said, "Can you believe this?"

"No!" I squealed! "I love it!!" (Sanity is no fun to write about.)

Then one of the women on the panel on the stage said, "You need to stop speaking, you are disrupting our caucus." So Carole had to step down.

The endorsement of the Democratic Party in Senate District 3 will go to the convention floor. At the first endorsement vote Migden received 55%, Leno 42% and Nation 3%. The typical threshhold for a state party endorsement is 60%, unless you are an incumbent, then it is lower!

In the open seat to replace termed-out Assemblymember Lloyd Levine in AD-40, my friend Laurette Healey is running, but although Bob Blumenfield got the 60% threshhold but over 300 signatures were obtained to pull the AD-40 endorsement from the consentment calendar.