Details of LA Times/USC Poll on same-sex marriage

Here are the details from the Los Angeles Times/USC poll that was teased on Friday:
Q.43 Do you think that same-sex couples should be allowed to become legally married in the state of California?

Yes .................................................................................51 No...................................................................................43
(Don't know/refused) ....................................................... 5

Q.44 Regardless of whether you approve or disapprove of same-sex marriage, do you think it is an issue
that Californians should vote on again in 2010, or would you prefer to see the issue left alone and off the ballot for a few years?

Total Vote again in 2010 ......................................................... 41
Leave it alone and off the ballot for a few years............. 56
(Don't know/refused) ....................................................... 4
In addition, here are details of the poll in graphic format:

Source: Greenberg Quinlan Rosner.