With 8 Days Until Election Day, NO ON 1 Takes 53-42 Lead

A new poll out from Maine Public Broadcasting has good news for the good guys in the fight over marriage equality in Maine.
Pan Atlantic's Patrick Murphy says the survey of 400 likely voters found 53 percent opposing Question 1, which would repeal Maine's gay marriage law, while 42 percent favor the measure and six percent remain undecided. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.9 percent.

Murphy says Question 1 is getting a different reaction in Maine's two congressional districts, with voters in the 1st District favoring the measure by a 20 point spread, while voters in the 2nd District remain nearly equally divided. He says among the state's Catholic voters, the measure has a narrow margin of support, 49 to 46 percent.
Notice that this is showing a lead for the NO side which is outside the margin of error of the poll. Also, with 8 days left to go, many people are voting by absentee (like these students at Bowdoin College) while some Maine towns are allowing early voting.

I am beginning to have a good feeling about this, VOTE NO ON 1/PROTECT MAINE EQUALITY!