Last Wednesday while MadProfessah was on vacation in Costa Rica, the Field Poll released new data (pdf) which showed that support for marriage equality in California has reached 49% (while opposition is now at 44%) with a margin of error of +/- 1.1 percentage points.
The report explains what has caused the change in support for same-sex marriage in California from 1977 to present: Democrats!
Among the most significant changes in voter attitudes over the past thirty years has been an increasing level of support for allowing same-sex couples to marry. In 1977 voters opposed allowing same-sex marriage by a two to one margin (62% to 31%). When The Field Poll asked the same question this year opinions are far different, with 49% of registered voters supportive and 44% opposed.The specific question asked (in 1977 and in 2009) was: "Do you approve or disapprove of California allowing homosexuals to marry members of their own sex and have regular marriage laws apply to them?" It should also be noted that the actual polling was conducted February 20th to March 1st, many months before the California Supreme Court upheld Proposition 8 on Decision Day (Tuesday May 26).
Californians’ greater acceptance of allowing same-sex marriage has come entirely from the changing views of registered Democrats and non-partisans rather than Republicans. Democratic voter views have shifted from greater than two-to-one opposition in 1977 to greater than two-to-one support this year. Similarly, where non-partisans opposed allowing same-sex couples to marry three decades ago by a five-to-three margin, now they support it five to three.
Republicans, on the other hand, have not changed their views on this issue, and if anything, are now more opposed than they were thirty years ago. A nearly three to one majority of Republicans (68% to 23%) currently opposes allowing same-sex marriage in California. This is slightly greater than their 65% to 30% opposition found in a 1977 Field Poll.