Whitman Getting More Serious About Running For Governor

As MadProfessah reported last week, former E-Bay CEO and billionaire Meg Whitman is considering running for the California Republican Gubernatorial nomination. Sadly, she is a homophobe who supported Proposition 8, unlike her rivals State Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner and former Congressman and Stanford Law professor Tom Campbell.

Tuesday 365gay.com has more information about the moves Whitman is making to prepare herself for her foray into California politics.
The 52-year-old Republican plans to run in 2010 for the seat Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is leaving but is not ready to make a formal announcement, said the person, who was not authorized to talk publicly and spoke Monday on condition of anonymity.

Whitman made the decision while spending time with family over the holidays and will make the announcement official in four to six weeks, he said.

Henry Gomez, a spokesman for Whitman, said she stepped down from the boards of eBay, Procter & Gamble Co. and DreamWorks Animation SKG last week due to “personal reasons and time commitments.” He would not elaborate.


Whitman retired in March after 10 years at the helm. A billionaire, she retains a 2 percent ownership stake in eBay.


Whitman has donated money to candidates and causes in the past but was not particularly active in state politics while she led eBay. Little is known about her social views.

Whitman supported Proposition 8, the gay marriage ban that passed in November, according to the person who spoke about her political decision. Campaign finance records do not indicate she contributed money to that campaign.

I am sure the Log Cabin Republicans will wet their pants at the possibility of holding onto the Governorship with Whitman. Interestingly, if Diane Feinstein wins the Democratic nomination and Whitman wins the Republican nomination MadProfessah would vote for NEITHER.

I have no intention of voting for Dianne Feinstein ever again, for any position.