Meg Whitman Is A Homophobe?

Meg Whitman is considering running for the Governorship of California. The Republican Party is notoriously homophobic, although Arnold Schwarzenegger is in a different mode, he is termed out and must be replaced in 2010. In June of that year there will be gubernatorial (and legislative) primaries. On the Republican side State Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner has already announced he is running, and Log Cabin Republicans claim that he is a fiscal conservative but social moderate. Whitman, apparently wants to go in another direction:

She has made no broad announcements on the issue, but Whitman adviser Zak said she has told GOP gatherings in the last two weeks she supports the same-sex marriage ban.

[Tom] Campbell, a moderate Bay Area Republican, opposed and even wrote an op-ed for libertarian-leaning making a conservative case against the initiative. Poizner has not taken a position.

All three Republicans fashion themselves as social moderates, which could leave the 2010 gubernatorial field open to a GOP entrant from the right. None of the three Republicans are openly supporting Proposition 4, the abortion notification measure.
Many Capitol watchers are not impressed. The 2010 California Governor's race should be very very interesting, perhaps on both sides of the aisle. Another question is whether there will be another same-sex marriage proposition on the ballot. Stay tuned!