New Year's Options

I'm sure there are many New Year's options in the FC, but a few have jumped out at me because they were either featured in the newspaper, are gigs by my friends, or... I'm on their mailing list.

1. The Terryl Lee Band, which includes my friend Jeff, is playing at Seaside Tavern at 9pm. Psych OK that gig is actually Jan. 31st, which my addled brain thought translated to New Year's Eve. Sorry. There's a lot going on here in Mississippi. Oh well that's good, means I can go to Jeff's gig in Jan.
2. Fairfield County Happy Hour Club is having a closed party at Monster B's. I'm invited to the FCHHC party because I'm its facebook friend... I'm not sure if they'll have a guest list at the door? I'd email them if you're curious. Their email is not on their new website, but maybe you can email them from their facebook page. I've very much enjoyed the HHC events I've attended.

3. Also, the Advocate informs me that Howard Stern regular "the Rev." Bob Levy will appear with former "Saturday Night Live" regular Colin Quinn at Hibernian Hall on Greyrock Place. See article for details. My internet access is sucking so I am not going to attempt to locate and add other links right now!

4. My friend Beth and a few other musicians are performing at SoNo Caffeine in Norwalk if you're looking for a more mellow vibe. I featured Beth's CD on Stamford Talk last year.

Please comment if you know of any other good options for New Year's in Stamford or nearby!