Yesterday was the statewide primary election. Results for Los Angeles County are available here, and statewide results are available here.
Statewide Races
Constitutional Offices
MadProfessah was correct in every statewide constitutional office except Superintendent of Public Instruction, where the top two (non-partisan) candidates were Larry Aceves and Tom Torlakson, who are both registered Democrats just squeaked ahead of my endorsed candidate Gloria Romero.
Proposition Number (Topic) MadProfessah RESULTS
13 (Seismic Retrofit Assessment) YES YES
14 (Top 2 "Open" Primary Amendment) NO YES
15 (CA Fair Elections Act) YES NO
16 (PG&E Utility Monopoly Protection) NO NO
17 (Mercury Insurance Premium Change) NO NO
Statewide Constitutional Officers MadProfessah DEMOCRATS REPUBLICANS
U.S. Senate Boxer* Boxer* Fiorina
Governor Brown Brown Whitman
Lieutenant Governor Newsom Newsom Maldonado
Attorney General Harris Harris Cooley
Secretary of State Bowen* Bowen* Dunn
Treasurer Chiang* Chiang* Strickland
Controller Lockyer* Lockyer* Walters
Insurance Commissioner Jones Jones Fitzgerald
Superintendent of Public Instruction Romero Aceves(D) Torlakson(D)
Statewide Legislative Races
AD-43. MadProfessah-endorsed Mike Gatto won the special election to replace Paul Krekorian and won the Democratic primary election.Los Angeles County
AD-44. Anthony Portantino* .
AD-45. Gil Cedillo.
AD-46. John Perez*.
AD-47. Holly Mitchell, won a tight race over CA Democratic Party Secretary Reggie Jones-Sawyer 43%-37%.
AD-48. Mike Davis*.
AD-49. Mike Eng*.
AD-50. Openly gay Ricardo Lara won his primary to and will become the second openly LGBT person of color elected to the California Legislature in November (after John Perez).
AD-51. Steve Bradford*.
AD-52. Isadore Hall*.
AD-53. MadProfessah endorsed openly gay, African-American Mitch Ward in this huge primary to replace Attorney General hopeful Ted Lieu, but former Equality California board member and registered lobbyist Betsy Butler won the primary and will be elected in November.
Measure E. MadProfessah endorsed a Yes position on this County measure to benefit Los Angeles Unified School District. The measure leads 53-47, far less than the two-thirds needed to be enacted.
Superior Court Judges.
5 of the 6 judicial candidates endorsed by MadProfessah won, the same ratio as the Los Angeles Times, although we got different races wrong. Click on the office number for the vote counts.
Office 28: Hammock Randy Hammock Ameli
Office 35: Bruguera* Bruguera Bruguera
Office 73: Matz Matz Matz
Office 107: Salkin Tony de los Reyes Salkin
Office 117: Schneider Schneider Schneider
Office 131: Nelson* Nelson Nelson
Get ready to vote again in November!