UNANIMOUS Vote(s) on Gay-related Bills in CA, IL

Interesting news! Not even Assembly Republicans in California still believe homosexuals should be labeled "sexual deviants" in state law. AB 2199 (Lowenthal) has unanimously passed the State Assembly by a vote of 62-0. Could this be a sign of a thaw in the Neanderthal levels of homophobia that have been witnessed from California Republicans over the last decade or so due to the presence of openly gay Speaker John PĂ©rez ?

What's also interesting about this result is that it's the second unanimous vote on a gay-related bill in as many weeks. In Illinois, an anti-bullying bill (SB3266) was passed 108-0 by the House of Representatives on Friday April 23rd. This legislation requires schools to adopt policies against bullying of students that are inclusive of protections for LGBT students.

The times they are a changin'!