We've all been biting at the bit, I'm sure, to really spread our wings and dig into Avatar... So I'll Begin by starting off with a short little observation of my own.

Jake Sully rides in a wheelchair... Now that's an observation. However Jake Kotze somewhere around a year ago combined the wheelchair into the Merkaba.

The Merkaba also known as the Mercy Seat is from the vision of Ezekiel. He sees the seat of god upon wheels and the angels with four faces, that of an Eagle, an Ox, a Lion, and a Man.

In truth the Merkaba can be seen as a representation of the Zodiac... The wheel that spins in our sky's.

Man finds himself on a strangle world and as history progresses he discovers the heavens. Paying attention to the Stars/Gods he discovers that there is order and because of this order... God. A divine principle or intelligent mind guiding all in perfect harmony. We still do this today under the guise of Syncro.

Like the picture above this one we see the mark of god in the gear like procession of the Heavenly Bodies.

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card seen above represents this same idea. Scattered to each corner is the four opposing signs of the Zodiac, Leo the Lion, Tarus the Bull, The higher order of Scorpio the Eagle, and Aquarius as Man. We also see the Sphinx perched above the wheel itself.

In Sherlock Holmes we see this again seeing that it is after all one of the most magically used images ever.

At the head on the right Sherlock points out the Sphinx atop the wheel. Pointing out that it is a composite of all these signs in itself. It has the feet of a Lion, the tail of an Ox(Bull), the wings of an eagle, and the face of a Man.

Corresponding this to the map of London to solve his mystery.... Answer his riddle.
That's when it hit me.... Jake Sully is
Ok wait got ahead of myself.
Oedipus (pronounced
/ˈɛdɨpəs/ in
American English and
/ˈiːdɨpəs/ in
British English;
Οἰδίπους Oidípous meaning "swollen-footed") was a
mythical Greek king of
Thebes. He fulfilled a prophecy that said he would kill his father and marry his mother, and thus brought disaster on his city and family. This legend has been retold in many versions, and was used by
Sigmund Freud to name the
Oedipus complex.-Wiki
Ok so Oedipus' father heard a prophecy that his son would kill him. Once born the task keeps getting passed down until a lazy servant not wanting blood on his hands puts the kid in a pasture... Oedipus was found with his feet Pierced and named such seeing that Oedipus means Swollen Feet.
The protagonist of the
tragedy is the son of King
Laius and Queen
Jocasta of
Thebes. After Laius learns from an
oracle that "he is doomed/To perish by the hand of his own son," he binds tightly together with a pin the feet of the infant Oedipus and orders Jocasta to kill the infant.-Wiki
This mimics Jake Sully's lack of mobilization in the movie. Oedipus (or "swollen feet").
Hearing the Prophecy himself at an older age Oedipus fears that it is about his new adoptive parents and bails the home front. As the par for all heroes he finds his fate on the road he takes to escape it. He bumps into his old father and in the heat of argument dispatches the bastard.
Then Oedipus meets the Sphinx and we find ourselves in the key of the whole mess. The Sphinx as explained in the Ezekiel tale as well as in Sherlock Holmes is a portal of such and largely associated to mystery. It ask a riddle and Oedipus answers correctly.... This is the reason that he has BAD feet. Because wisdom has not haste. It actually is very common in myth. If you move around to quickly you miss the answer.
What is the creature that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three in the evening?" This is the Question that Oedipus answers with Man. The Sphinx is beatin and flings itself into the abyss. This is the good stuff. The order and mystery to the Merkaba or wheel of fortune is man himself. There is order because he sees it. Hinted at the fact that the riddle and the answer are both Man.

The Navi are a composites of the opposing Zodiac signs and therefore the sphinx itself. Navi can be linked to Navigator which means one who follows the stars anyway. They have the face of a Lion, their tails are shaped like the tale of an Ox more than a cats tail, and their bodies are Man like. The Eagle is seen in the Garuda birds they ride as well as the Color Blue seeing that both the Eagle and Blue are symbols of Jupiter. The Tarot Card of the Wheel of Fortune.

Shows a Blue Sphinx as well as being the card associated to Jupiter.

Jakes/Oedipus' father would then be the Military father figure. Hinted at because of his habit through out the film to call Jake son or sonny.

"You are such a Baby!"
Jake's Girlfriend plays the Role of his mother nourishing and teaching him to be an adult in the film. Like the Swollen Footed myth his joining with his MoM comes after his acceptance of he and the sphinx being one.
Love and Thanks.