WATCH: Harold Ford Lie To Your Face

He's Pretty But Does He Think We're Stupid?

Former congressman Harold Ford is considering challenging appointed U.S. Senator Kristen Gillibrand for the Democratic nomination in New York later this year. Ford ran unsuccessfully for the United States Senate in Tennessee in 2006 and afterwards moved to the Empire State.

Rod 2.0 breaks down the anti-gay and anti-choice positions (previously) held by Harold Ford, Jr.:
Ford's record has been extensively reported on Rod 2.0. Ford voted against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act in 2007 and against extending hate crime protections to gays and lesbians. Ford also was one of 34 Democrats to vote for then-President George W. Bush's Federal Marriage Amendment and he boasted about this in a campaign television spot when he was running for Senate in 2006. Ford left Congress with a dismal 25 out of 100 rating from the Human Rights Campaign.
I really don't know how stupid Harold Ford thinks we are, but I really don't think New Yorkers are going to fall for his schtick.

UPDATE 18:04 PST 01/11/2001:

Here is what Alan van Capelle of Empire State Pride Agenda said about Harold Ford:
I know Harold Ford Jr. just arrived to New York, but as a native and lifelong resident, I know what New York values are, and I know a snake oil salesman when I see one. You simply can't claim to be pro-equality if you've twice voted to enshrine discrimination into the U.S. Constitution.

While it may be tempting for Mr. Ford to compare himself to people like Sen. Chuck Schumer, the fact remains that Sen. Schumer - who did evolve on his position on marriage equality - has been a longtime supporter of several pieces of legislation that are very important to LGBT people and never supported the awful Federal Marriage Amendment. Harold Ford Jr. is no Chuck Schumer, and he is no Kirsten Gillibrand.