White House Issues (Weak Statement) On ME and WA Anti-Gay Referenda

The Advocate's Washington Bureau reporter Kerry Eleveld was able to get the White House to issue a statement on the anti-gay referenda currently facing two states: Washington (Referendum 71 if not APPROVED would repeal a comprehensive domestic partnership law) and Maine (Question 1 IF PASSED would prevent a marriage equality law from going into effect)
“The President has long opposed divisive and discriminatory efforts to deny rights and benefits to same-sex couples, and as he said at the Human Rights Campaign dinner, he believes ‘strongly in stopping laws designed to take rights away.’ Also at the dinner, he said he supports, ‘ensuring that committed gay couples have the same rights and responsibilities afforded to any married couple in this country.’"
So, to reiterate, the President of the United States is urging people to Approve Referendum 71 in Washington state and Vote NO on Question 1 in Maine.