CA-GOV: Villaraigosa Decides Not To Run in 2010

Big political earthquake in California politics. Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has announced that he will not be a candidate for California Governor next year. He went on CNN and spoke with Wolf Blitzer:

The mayor, who was re-elected earlier this year, told Blitzer "the answer's no. I make that decision, as I've said many times, because I love the city I was born and raised in."

"I can't leave this city in the middle of a crisis, it's as simple as that," added Villaraigosa. "I was elected mayor are re-elected by the people of this city. They've given me the honor of a second term and I feel compelled to complete the promise that I've made to them."
Villaraigosa's exit leaves the race on the Democratic side between announced gubernatorial candidate San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom and unannounced candidate (former Governor and current California Attorney General) Jerry Brown. Newsom quickly issued a statement:
As a fellow big-city mayor, over the past four years I have gotten to know and respect Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. He is a dedicated public servant who is making a difference for the people of Los Angeles every day.

His leadership is valuable to the people of California and the nation, regardless of the office he chooses to hold. His life story is an inspiration to millions of Californians and especially to Latinos everywhere.

I look forward to continuing to work with him, sharing our experiences as mayors, and collaborating on innovative solutions that will take California in a new direction.

As Mayor Villaraigosa has said so eloquently recently, state government needs to change and I believe we can work together to make that a reality.
And the plot thickens. MadProfessah has not endorsed a candidate (yet) but has been impressed by Newsom so far.