WE C ZOE as Nyota Uhura with Red Eyes, a pointer of the StarG8 of Space/Kosmic Konsciousness.

This is NO monumental task or achievement. It is your natural ever present state underneath the mental story of the limited identity or mind made self.
REalize who Witnesses the dialogue of the mind. The ever present Witness, whether ONE be in deep sleep or awake, is who ONE Is.
"Who watches the watchmen?"
How do I REalize the Witness?
Accept all that is and live in the present moment, this is the REd Road of the floWer.

"Is that the lady who played Uhura, love interest of Spock, doing the "Live long and Prosper" thing? Surely not.."

ZOE (NOW, ONE, N.W.O, MOON etc (Z/N and W/M/E rotate)) giving actor Diego Luna (MOON) the Vulcan Salute.
She plays Immigrations Officer Torres who also happens to be a Trekkie.
Above we can see it better, but they are all present during the Star tREk sync..
Three Eagles decorate her uniform. Two, on each shoulder, are Blue Birds and ONE, above the shield (vivified Heart), is Golden.
The Blue Bird is the happy bird that flies over the Rainbow into the land of OZ.

The wedding ring is a symbol of union, very fittingly worn by a human who travels the KKosmos - externalized* representation of infinite depth of Being - tREkking the Stars.

The word "ORIGINS" appears in the background. From UNION WE/ME ORIGINATE and into UNION WE/ME return.

The Tin Cans are dragged over the reflection of the word ORIGINS. From the Jovial state of the sphere Jupiter WE/ME ORIGINATE and to JOY WE/ME return during this phase of alignment.
I hear tell that shoes are often also present amongst the clutter being pulled by the wedding Chariot. The shoe contains the soul/SpiriT and anchors the feet in Being. The foot, resonating the shoe, of the constellation Ophiuchus is one of the astrological pointers of Galactic Center and externalized* Heart of MOM.
*Concepts as 'external' and 'internal' are potentially misleading as duality dissolves. They remain useful pointers given appropriate context.