Using a Dog Scooter to Help Abandoned Dogs

I went walking with some other new moms at Cove Island Beach yesterday. We saw this guy zooming along on his dog-propelled scooter:

His dog, Daisy, is a rescue- probably part pit bull, lab and Rhodesian. She's compact but very, very strong, and the scooter lets her take out all her energy by pulling along her very tall owner. The man stopped to talk to us, and when he gave Daisy the signal to get started again, she could not roll out of there fast enough! The dog clearly loves to run.
If I were a real journalist, I would have asked him name and planned a follow up interview, but I'm just a blogger. The Greenwich Time featured the man and Daisy a while ago, which is how I knew this was a fancy, custom-made dog-powered scooter. What's even cooler-
(Oh shoot! I just found a whole article about the guy! He's actually Craig Swan, a former Mets pitcher who lives in Old Greenwich.)

Anyway, what's even cooler is that Mr. Swan is working with dogs at Stamford Animal Control on Magee Ave to train them to use his scooter. That skill might give a dog a little boost as far as making it a more desirable dog to someone. I think it's great that he's out and about on his scooter, talking it up and talking up other dogs that need to be adopted.

Here's a better pic of Daisy:

It was actually pretty darn chilly at Cove, but the rest of the week is supposed to be beautiful. I can't think of a better outdoor place than Cove- not even Tod's Point in Greenwich, because that place has too many cars!

After Memorial Day weekend, you need your parks and rec sticker to park at Cove, so head over to 888 Wash, first floor, and bring your registration and $20 to get your sticker!