New Map Of Marriage Rights Throughout The U.S.

The above graphic appeared in today's Los Angeles Times accompanying an article by Jessica Garrison and Maura Dolan about the increasing momentum for a Proposition 8 "re-do" on the 2010 statewide elections.

Here's an excerpt:
The recent run of states legalizing gay marriage -- punctuated Wednesday by Maine becoming the fifth state to do so -- has increased the likelihood that California voters will face another ballot measure on the issue as early as next year, according to strategists on both sides.

The California Supreme Court is expected to uphold Proposition 8, November's ballot measure banning same-sex marriage, with a decision coming in the next few weeks. Both sides are already gearing up for another political campaign likely to come in 2010.

As recently as a few months ago, some gay activists feared 2010 would be too soon. But the fact that same-sex marriage is now legal in five states, with New York, New Jersey and New Hampshire poised to follow, has changed the political climate, they say.
What's really going on here is maneuvering by Courage Campaign and Equality California for which organization will be "the lead" in the next ballot fight over marriage equality in California.

Courage Campaign launched the fight with much publicized statements by people involved with that organization that they would be leading the fight in 2010. EQCA has now responded with articles in the Los Angeles Times and New York Times as well as the announcement of a new grassroots campaign called Win Marriage Back: Make it Real!