Competing Marriage Equality Ads in New Hampshire

There is an air war going on in New Hampshire as Governor John Lynch decides on what he wants to do with HB 436 when it reaches his desk. He will have five days to either sign or veto the bill or it becomes law without his signature. Here are the competing videos:

First, here's the opposition from the "National Organization for Marriage":

Notice the use of the religious imagery of the yellow cross in the "marriage is between a man + a woman" even though this legislation is about civil marriage and does not impact the definition of marriage for any church, synagogue or mosque. Shameless exploitation of children, not unexpectedly (litotes!)

And now here's the New Hampshire Freedom To Marry Coalition ad

Please help NH FTM raise money to keep this ad on the air. They say they are being outspent 3 to 1 by NOM.