White House Responds To Iowa Decision

Washington correspondent for The Advocate Kerry Eleveld posted the official White House response to the Iowa marriage ruling:

"The President respects the decision of the Iowa Supreme Court, and
continues to believe that states should make their own decisions when it
comes to the issue of marriage. Although President Obama supports civil
unions rather than same-sex marriage, he believes that committed gay and
lesbian couples should receive protection under the law."
Pam Spaulding was quick to note the deficiencies of this statement:
So, let's see...it should be left to the states so that as gay couples travel across state lines, they are married, not married, civil unioned, domestic partnered...yeah that sounds like equal protection under the law. Oh wait -- the press release didn't use the word EQUAL, did it?

Can the President elaborate on this position with reasoning that excludes anything related to "God is in the mix"? The Iowa Supreme Court brilliantly torched using religion as an excuse to discriminate, so our Constitutional scholar president needs to come up with a better sham excuse. And as massaged as you know that short paragraph was, the omission of the word equal was purposeful.
I hope some enterprising reporter asks the President whether he believes gay and lesbian couples deserve equal protection of the laws of the United States and the state in which they reside.

A few hours later, they sent a new statement which includes the world "equal."
"The President respects the decision of the Iowa Supreme Court, and continues to believe that states should make their own decisions when it comes to the issue of marriage. Although President Obama supports civil unions rather than same-sex marriage, he believes that committed gay and lesbian couples should receive equal rights under the law."
Now that's more like it! But does he really mean it?