POLL: Majority of New Yorkers Support Marriage Equality

The latest Siena College poll of New Yorkers shows majority support for marriage equality in the Empire State.

Alan van Cappelle, head of the Pride Agenda, released a statement on the poll which highlights the historic nature of the latest results:

Not only are a majority in favor of legalizing marriage for our families, these new numbers establish a clear trend of increasing support, year after year, every time Siena asks about this issue. In the past three years, Siena polling has shown support for marriage equality growing from 43% in 2007 to 46% last year to 53% this year and opposition dropping from 47% in 2007 to 40% last year to just 39% now.

Talking Points Memo DC analyzes the cross-tabs:

The numbers: 53% favor, 39% oppose, with a ±3.8% margin of error. The internals show all regions of the state (New York City, the suburbs and Upstate) support it by various margins.

Among religious sub-groups, only 41% of Protestants favor it to 53% against, Jews favor it 64%-32% -- and Catholics favor it by a 49%-41% plurality. In the racial cross-tabs, Whites are in favor 56%-36%, Latinos are for it 57%-31%, and African-Americans oppose it with 44% in favor to 49% against.

These numbers clearly support Governor David Paterson's efforts to have the New York State Legislature pass a bill ending the exclusion of same-sex couples from marriage.