NYT Poll On State Recognition of Same-Sex Couples

The New York Times has a new poll on Obama's 100th day in office which tries to compare beliefs of the White and Black population on multiple issues. For example, 96% of Black people approve of Obama's job as President compared to 62% of White people.

But on gay marriage, the results are even more interesting:

50. Which comes closest to your view? Gay couples should be
allowed to legally marry OR gay couples should be allowed
to form civil
unions but not legally marry OR there should
be no legal recognition of a gay couple's relationship?

Marry Civil unions None DK/NA
3/10-14/04 22 33 40 6
5/20-23/04* CBS 28 29 40 3
7/11-15/04 28 31 38 3
10/28-30/04 23 34 36 7
11/18-21/04 21 32 44 3
2/24-28/05 23 34 41 2
7/29-8/2/05 CBS 27 27 43 4
10/27-31/06 28 29 38 5
3/7-11/07 28 32 35 5
5/30-6/3/08 CBS 30 28 36 6
3/12-16/09 CBS 33 27 35 5
4/22-26/09 42 25 28 5
White 40 26 30 4
Black 38 30 26 6

Another point to note about this result is that the differences between the races is not that great, and that nearly two-thirds of the respondents support some form of legal recognition for same-sex couples.