Murderous Drivers of the FC

My friend Christopher, a writer, actor, and radio talk show host in Minneapolis, has a Blog Harbor post up about the 3 annoying styles of Minnesota drivers. He pinpoints them as:

1. I’m Slow and Easy . . . Until You Try and Pass Me
2. Using My Turn Signal Only When Necessary Helps the Environment
3. The Left Lane is My Lane

The examples that Christopher gives portray apparently peaceful but truly clueless, passive-aggressive drivers. I have to say, I think the annoying driving styles in the Stamford area are completely different. There's nothing much passive about the aggressiveness of FC drivers. I'd place them under the umbrella of "Get the He!! Out of My Way- I Am More Important Than You and I Don't Care If I Kill You." You know, people whipping around you and coming way too close to your car, people flying through red lights and narrowly avoiding hitting the car that has the green light... as I drive around town with my new baby, I find myself wishing I had a gun. I know that sounds pretty violent, but it makes me really angry that people drive so carelessly.

Oh, did I say gun? I meant paint gun. Right. That's what I meant.

Related Stamford Talk post:
--December 12, 2008-- Stamford Paint Gun Officer: Vote for Me!

Or, read all Stamford Talk posts with the label Driving/Traffic Hell.

Other Stamford Talk post inspired by Christopher's blog, Blog Harbor:
--November 25, 2008-- Could Rampaging Turkeys Happen in Stamford?

See "Best Of Blog Harbor" to read some of Christopher's funniest posts. My favorites:
The Simple Language of Parenting and Football Coaches
The Seven People in the World Not on Facebook
Demando and Commando