Maine Senate Passes Marriage Bill 20-15!

By a vote of 20-15, the Maine State Senate has passed the marriage equality bill, L.D. 1020.
Supporters say it would end discrimination against gays and lesbians and opponents say the proposal is an attack against the institution of marriage.

This morning’s vote means the bill has cleared its first hurdle in the Legislature. However, it still needs to pass through the House of the Representatives. And if it passes the Legislature, it will need the signature of Gov. John Baldacci, who has not yet said whether he will support it.
Joe.My.God also points out that the Senate has rejected an amendment sending the measure to the voters. A contributor to Pam's House Blend was personally phoned by Gov. Baldacci a couple days ago to discuss his position on the marriage bill after sending him an irate email calling the Governor's refusal to declare a position "craven."