New Hampshire House Approves Marriage Equality

Not to be outdone by their fellow New Englanders in the Vermont Senate, the New Hampshire House of Representatives has approved a marriage equality bill by a vote of 186-179.

Interestingly, it was almost exactly two years ago that the New Hampshire legislature passed a civil unions bill that Democratic Governor John Lynch signed into law. He has said that he is opposed to same-sex marriage but unlike the Republican governor of neighboring Vermont, Lynch has not announced that he will veto the legislation if it reaches his desk.

In 2007, the House approved the civil unions bill by a vote of 243-129 and the Senate approved by a vote of 14-10. I think this is probably a good sign that the bill will make it to Lynch's desk and we can find out if takes a Democratic governor to have the cojones to sign a marriage equalitybill, or is this a peculiarly bipartisan gubernatorial defect.