New Hampshire enacts civil unions law

The Manchester Union-Leader reported yesterday that New Hampshire will become the fourth state in New England to enact civil unions, after Vermont (2000), Connecticut (2005) and New Jersey (2007)
Gov. John Lynch said last week he will sign the bill as "a matter of conscience, fairness and preventing discrimination." The Senate's 14 to 10 vote on HB 437 went along party lines, with the Democratic majority winning passage. [...]

The Senate vote came just 22 days after the House passed the bill by a two-to-one margin, 243-129. It had support there from 30 Republicans.

When the law takes effect Jan. 1, 2008, New Hampshire will be the fourth state with a civil unions law, behind Vermont, Connecticut and New Jersey.

Massachusetts has legalized same-sex marriage.
Bizarrely, the article doesn't go on to mention California's comprehensive domestic partnership law (which is basically a civil union bill without that name) or Washington state's limited domestic partnership law that was enacted just last week. Oregon is also likely to enact one in the next few weeks.