Community Town Hall Wed April 1 at LA Gay Center

The LA Gay and Lesbian Center will be hosting the first in a series of town hall events to be held all over the state to discuss next steps in the fight for marriage equality in California.

As part of a statewide series of meetings on the freedom to marry, the Center will co-host a community Town Hall on Wednesday from 7-9:30 p.m. at The Village. Those who can’t attend in person will be able to watch via live webcast.

Kate Kend[e]ll of the National Center for Lesbian Rights and Jon Davidson of Lambda Legal will share their perspectives on how the California Supreme Court is likely to rule in the legal challenges to Prop 8, and leaders from statewide and local organizations will discuss what is happening across California. A Q&A will follow.
The final 90 minutes of the meeting will be dedicated to an open discussion about what should happen after the court issues its ruling and in the future.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP. Parking is free, but plan to arrive early for the closest spaces. .

The meetings are sponsored by the members of the Equality For All Coalition. MadProfessah will be on the panel, representing the Barbara Jordan/Bayard Rustin Coalition.
Hope to see you there!