UPDATE: AG Brown Argues Prop 8 Unconstitutional

There is breaking news in the fight over Proposition 8: California Attorney General Jerry Brown has changed his mind and is now arguing that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional and filed a brief with the California Supreme Court urging that it be struck down.

Needless to say, Equality California Executive Director Geoff Kors was happy about this turn of events:
"Attorney General Brown's position that Proposition 8 should be invalidated demonstrates that he is a leader of courage and conviction," said Equality California Executive Director Geoff Kors. "We are very pleased that upon review of the law, he has moved from his previous statements that he would defend Prop 8. As the state's highest attorney, Jerry Brown has done his job today to defend the Constitution and protect the rights of minority groups, including the more than 18,000 same-sex couples who married in California."
This comes late in a day where the heterosexual supremacists defending Proposition 8, led by law professor Kenneth Starr filed motions with the state's highest court arguing that all same-sex couples (estimated to be over 18,000, including mine) should be annulled.