The 2009 "Gay Agenda"

As we protest the legal maneuverings by heterosexual supremacists to annul 18, 000 married couples in California (including MadProfessah) as well as the fact the President-elect appears to like to cavort with homophobes, we should also keep our eye on exactly what LGBT Americans are asking President Obama to do:
Issue an Executive Order within the first 100 days that reaffirms
protections for federal workers based on sexual orientation and expands them to also include gender identity;
• Work with Congress to sign Hate Crimes legislation into law within 6 months;
• Support only a fully inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA);
• In the first 100 days develop a plan to begin the process of eliminating the failed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
policy; and
• Work with Congress to end unequal tax treatment of domestic partnerships benefits

Hat/tip to HRC's Backstory.