SurveyUSA Poll Shows PROP 8 Losing 50% No, 47% Yes

The latest SurveyUSA poll was released yesterday and shows a dramatic shift towards NO ON PROPOSITION 8, with a majority of voters now opposing the measure 50% with 47% favoring discrimination. Previously, the October 17th SurveyUSA poll showed Proposition 8 favored by 48% and opposed by 45% with a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points. The latest poll was conducted October 29-31 among 800 people, with 719 registered to vote and 673
being determined as having already voted or likely to vote. People who say they have already voted make up 42% of the sample.

Generally SurveyUSA is a horrible pollster, so I don't put much stock in this poll (or the three previous polls). I would lso note that the lead for the forces of equality is within the margin of error. However, it does feel better to be in the lead rather than behind!

Interestingly, the internals now show that the African-American vote is now tied at 45%-45% with 9% undecided (a very different picture from the 58% Yes-38% No which so excited conservative gay blogger Andrew Sullivan and who MadProfessah debunked a few weeks ago). Again, the sample size is 7% of the total and thus has a huge margin of error. According to SurveyUSA, the Latino community is now favoring Proposition 8 by a margin of 50% Yes to 46% No. They make up 22% of the latest sample. The API/"other" community now oppose Proposition 8 by a 20 point margin, 59% to 39% but they make up 12% of the sample.

Asian/Other (12%): 59% No, 39% Yes

Latino Voters (22%): 50% Yes, 46% No

Black Voters (7%): 45% No, 45%Yes