More Mormon Activity To Promote Prop 8 Exposed Online

The Mormon Church is not happy about the above web video from the Courage Campaign showing Mormon missionaries invadfing the home of a lesbian couple to find and destroy their California marriage licence. Local CBS television affiliate KUTV in Utah has run multiple stories about the activities of the grassroots to inform voters of the deep involvement the Mormon Church has with the attempt to write discrimination into the state constitution of California. Here is an except from their coverage:

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is not happy with the tactics used in this commercial.

Scott Trotter with the Church released this statement,

“The Church has joined a broad-based coalition in defense of traditional marriage. While we feel this is important to all of society, we have always emphasized that respect be given to those who feel differently on this issue. It is unfortunate that some who oppose this proposition have not given the Church this same courtesy.”

If they don't like that video, I'm sure they aren't going to be pleased by this front page post on DailyKos which reveals the Mormon Church has been planning an anti-gay marriage amendment since 1997 , especially when that website is probably receiving 1-2 million unique visits per day.