Yes On Prop 8 Has Raised $25.4M, Opponents Only $15.8M

The bad news for the forces of equality keep coming. First, a poll was released showing that the YES ON PROP 8 (which would ban marriage between same-sex couples in California) is leading 47 to 42 percent and now comes word that the heterosexual supremacists have more than $11 million more cash on hand than the NO ON PROP 8 folks, the Equality For All coalition.

Campaign finance figures show supporters of the gay marriage ban have taken a significant lead in fundraising even as Proposition 8 has lagged in public opinion polls. A backer,, reported taking in $25.4 million through Sept. 30 of this year compared to the $15.8 million in donations raised by the main committee opposing the measure.


Both sides have set aside more than $10 million for television advertisements and plan to start airing their second round of ads this week. The fundraising advantage Proposition 8's supporters have at this point is reflected in the remaining cash on hand they reported having on Monday — $12.8 million for supporters of the ban, $1.8 million for its opponents.

According to figures compiled by the National Organization on Money in State Politics, a little less than $33 million was spent on campaigns to pass or defeat gay marriage bans in the 24 states where they appeared on ballots in 2004, 2005 and 2006. Supporters of same-sex marriage had the fundraising edge in all of them, but voters approved all but one, in Arizona.

I hope this new information makes people realize that it is very possible that the forces of evil could prevail in California, unless more fair-minded people who believe that no single group should have their fundamental rights eliminated by a majority vote of the people step up and help to defeat Proposition 8, either by donating money or time or both.