Villaraigosa and Garamendi Show Up To L.A. NO ON 8 Kickoff Event

Earlier in the week I noted that Republican State Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner had taken the first step in his run for the Governor's office in California in 2010 and mentioned his likely Democratic opponents. However, in that (relatively long) list I neglected to include Democratic Lieutenant Governor John Garamendi.

Garamendi was one of the few politicos who showed up to the kickoff event of the Los Angeles No On Prop 8 campaign on Saturday at the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center's Ed Gould Plaza. Scheduled to speak were Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, State Controller John Chiang, State Senator Mark Ridley-Thomas and West Hollywood Mayor Pro Tem Abbe Land.
However, only the two Mayors showed up, with a special surprise guest in the Lieutenant Governor. They both gave a full-throated defense of their positions in favor of marriage equality and their opposition to Proposition 8.
The 2010 Gubernatorial Primary should be very interesting indeed. It would be amazing if Gay Marriage is not an issue at all--what will LGBT voters make decisions on? Who was there first supporting the community on marriage (Gavin Newsom) or who has the most effective vision for the state of California as Governor (T.B.A)?