Opponents of Prop 8 Double $1m Donation from Catholics

After reports of the Knights of Columbus one million dollar donation to the proponents of Proposition 8, Equality California sent out fundraising appeals. The good news is that donations flooded in and EQCA has made a TWO million dollar donation to NO ON PROP 8.

Dale Kelly Bankhead, Campaign manager for NO ON PROP 8, sent out this e-mail earlier today:
Last week, I told you about the Knights of Columbus donating $1 million to the Yes on 8 Campaign's efforts to eliminate the fundamental right to marriage for same sex couples. That's $10 million for our opponents before Labor Day in their attempt to eliminate the right for same sex couples to marry.

Well thanks to many of you and the support of our coalition partners Equality California and the ACLU, we were able to not only match the $1 million but double it, raising $2 million dollars in the last week to fight Prop 8. To each of you who helped make that possible, I am profoundly grateful. But we can't stop.

It is clear we are up against a well-organized and well-funded effort to hurt gay and lesbian families. If you haven't donated to fight Prop 8, please do so today!

Well, our opponents have now made their next move. We have just learned that they have made a multi-million dollar television ad buy in eight media markets across California. Not only that, they are going up on the air weeks earlier than most campaigns.

This is a critical time for our campaign. We must be able to respond. We must get our message out there as soon as possible. We have to compete on the television airwaves.

We need money now to buy the television ads that are so critical to winning campaigns in California. We simply cannot allow them to outspend us.
Please help us win the fight against Prop 8. Contribute to our campaign today!


After you've made a contribution, please forward this message to your friends and family. We can win if we all work together.
Thank you for everything.

Dale Kelly Bankhead
Campaign Manager
No On 8, Equality For All