EQCA Responds To $1M Donation From Catholic Group

Geoff Kors of Equality California sent email to the organization's members about a 1 million donation from a Catholic organization called the Knights of Columbus to Protect Marriage, the main organization behind the Yes on Prop 8 campaign. Proposition 8 is the California November ballot measure that would amend the California constitution to prohibit gay and lesbian couples from getting married.

We learned today that the right-wing groups behind Proposition 8 received a $1 million contribution from the Knights of Columbus.

The Catholic fraternal organization based in Connecticut has also adopted a resolution calling for "legal and constitutional protection ... for the definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others.

"We know what we're up against. Right-wing organizations that will stop at nothing to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry. They want to target same-sex couples to be treated differently under the California Constitution, a document that was created to ensure our equality.

We need your help to stop them!

The NO on 8 campaign is about fairness. It's about equal protection under the law for all couples who wish to marry. While we have been working hard to bring in amazing contributions from many generous donors, our momentum must continue. We have to meet our opponents' contributions dollar for dollar to win in November.

That's why we need you to make a gift to NO on 8 - Equality California today. Help us stop these groups who aim to eliminate our right to marry. Contribute $1,000, $500, $200 or $50 now and help us stay one step ahead of our opposition.

Thank you for supporting the NO on 8 campaign and Equality California.

Besides, Equality California, you can also go directly to Equality for All / No on Prop 8 to help stop the campaign to deny the fundamental freedom to marry to thousands of couples in California.