HRC Endorses Republican Incumbent Over Pro-Gay Democratic Challenger

The nation's largest LGBT civil rights group, Human Rights Campaign, has recently announced the first round of their 2008 election endorsements and they are already starting to get flack for one curious choice: U. S. Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) over Rep. Tom Allen.
According to HRC's own rating system Allen is the more pro-LGBT official, with a 100% rating compared to an average of 84% for Collins in the last three Congresses.

This is not the first time that HRC has angered local activists about their cringe-worthy electoral endorsements. For example, in 1996 HRC endorsed corrupt U.S. Senator Afonse D'Amator (R-NY) over Chuck Schumer. D'Amato was scum, who close to election would start making pro-gay noises and stop voting for anti-gay legislation while Schumer was (and is) a relatively strong supporter of teh LGBT community. Clearly, Schumer won that race (since he's now the senor Senator from New York) and Mad Professah and many other activits have never forgiven HRC for their error. I, personally, have decided I will never give HRC another red cent in donations since that decision.
Considering the brou-haha over the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (that discriminates against transgender individuals) from last year one woudl think that HRC would tread carefully, but apparently not.
The only way they will learn not to make such brain-dead moves is if they feel it in their pocketbook, so I would urge people to donate to their local LGBT organization or the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund (which supports openly LGBT elected and appointed officials) instead.