Do You Know the Adult Male Sk8boarder?

Specifically, the one who brazenly swerved into our lane on Bedford St. tonight? I know he's not the same adult male sk8boarder who I accidentally featured on the blog in August. This man had reddish hair and was wearing no helmet. He was skateboarding head on into speeding traffic, so I assume I'm not the only one who has ever noticed this man. Maybe I'll run into him at the Stamford Skate Park.

As the weather is getting nice, you must head down to the Stamford Skate Park at Scalzi Park. It's on Bridge Street, just across from the Ridgeway shopping center, aka, parking lot hell. Buy your Party City/Stop and Shop/Old Navy, then go watch the sk8ers do their fancy leaps and spins. There are lots of teenage boys, but a few adult skaters and many younger skaters who either watch or try their own little moves. I loved it when there was a 7-year-old waiting beside the big boys for his turn on the little bowl. The Stamford Skate Park has a nice website with videos and pics. There are also awesome photos of the park being built. My favorites are of guys (not teenage boys) skating on the unfinished bowls in the midst of construction. The city has diagrams like the one above.

I am proud to be in a city that spends cash on something very cool, and something that young men can do that does not involve alcohol or spending money or video games. I know that makes taxpayers mad, but people have to have fun in life. If you spend a few extra bucks for some kids to have wholesome fun, well, it pays off when they aren't all up in your beeswax at the mall.

--You can read my personal narrative about visiting the Skate Park in Sept in "Sk8 Park Report."
--You can check out actual Youtube footage of the Skate Park in an Aug 31 post, "Stamford Skate Park Looks Cool." That's where you can meet another adult male skateboarder who I think is probably a more responsible skater than the redhead.

Back to the red-headed adult sk8boarder: we also saw him an hour earlier on the way to dinner. That was on Summer St., and we were going slowly, and that's when I was close enough to see his reddish-brown hair. This man wants to be seen. Nothing wrong with that, but like, stay out of my lane when I'm driving straight at you at 50 mph.