Clinton Wins PA Primary (As Expected)

As expected, Hillary Clinton won the presidential primary in Pennsylvania last night, by just under 9.5 percentage points (54.7% to 45.3%) which is almost exactly half of her 19 point lead over Barack Obama the day after the last contested primary on March 4th in Ohio and Texas.

The next primaries are in two weeks in North Carolina (the 10th most populous state) where Obama has maintained a significant lead for weeks and Indiana where the the polls are within the margin of error, but Obama slightly leading in this state which neighbors his home state of Illinois.

Clinton's win Tuesday night in Pennsylvania will cut her delegate defict by about 10%, from approximately 170 to approximately 150. It is almost mathematically impossible for her to end the primary season on June 3rd (Montana and South Dakota) with more pledged delegates or having more votes cast for her but neither candidate will have won the required majority of pledged delegates that is required to become the Democratic presidential nominee.