CA Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments in Gay Marriage Case Tuesday

The California Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the same-sex marriage cases on Tuesday March 4th from 9am-12noon PST. The interest in this case is so great that the court has set up a separate portion of its website to provide information on the case. The same sex marriage case is really an amalgam of a number of various legal actions, that court has rolled into one and called In re Marriage Cases (S S147999). The court has divided the 3 hours of oral argument into equal time for Petitioners (the good guys) and Respondent (the bad guys).

Counsel for City and County of San Francisco will be allocated a total of 35 minutes for oral argument.
Counsel for petitioner Rymer et al. will be allocated a total of 35 minutes for oral argument.
Counsel for petitioner Tyler et al. will be allocated a total of 10 minutes for oral argument.
Counsel for petitioner Clinton et al. will be allocated a total of 10 minutes for oral argument.
Counsel for the State of California will be allocated 45 minutes for oral argument.
Counsel for the Governor et al. will be allocated 15 minutes for oral argument.
Counsel for Proposition 22 Legal Defense and Education Fund will be allocated 15 minutes for oral argument.
Counsel for Campaign for California families will be allocated 15 minutes for oral argument.

Public viewing of the oral arguments will be available on closed circuit television in an overflow viewing auditorium in the Milton Marks Conference Center, Hiram Johnson State Office Building, Lower Level, 455 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco.

I believe that the main attorneys for the petitioners will be Mr. (not Ms.) Shannon Minter of the National Center for Lesbian Rights and David Codell, a private attorney from Los Angeles. I have no idea who the heterosexual supremacists are having represent them. I believe the state of California is not being represented by current Attorney General (and former Governor) Jerry Brown, but by one of his deputies.