NEWS FLASH: California Gay Marriage Ruling BY June 4th

Journalist and blogger Rex Wockner just emailed me with the news story that the California Supreme Court has finally set oral arguments in the pending litigation over gay marriage for 3 hours on March 4th. After oral arguments are complete in In Re Marriage Cases, Case No. S147999, the seven Justices have 90 days to issue their ruling, or they dont get paid, so that would mean a final determination on whether same-sex couples can get legally married in California before Summer and gay pride!

Of course, this action will also spur on heterosexual supremacists who are already circulating petitions for a November 2008 ballot measure to amend the state constitution to ban gay marriage and possibly repeal any equivalent statewide recognition of same-sex relationships such as domestic partnerships. To join the fight to preserve Equality for All Californians, visit Equality for All. The other side has already qualified a similar ballot measure in Florida, but much cleverly, that amendment needs a 60% margin in order to become enacted, a public policy I believe that California should adopt as well.