Mychal Bell of the Jena 6 Released On Bail

Mychal Bell was released today on $45,000 bail and the prosecutor said that he has decided NOT to try the 17-year old as an adult aggravated second-degree battery charges. Last Thursday was a Day Of Action in support of the Jena 6, six African American teenagers from the town of Jena, Louisiana who have been undergoing a nightmare of selective prosecution and disparate treatment in a racially charged beating of a white boy in December 2006 following many other racially charged incidents in the small town.
The Jena 6 case has become a cause celebre among progressive and LGBT activists, and surprisingly the moderate to conservative national LGBT organizationHuman Rights Campaign has joined the fray on the side of the progressive LGBT folk. However, recently there has begun to be some vociferous dismay about HRC straying from the "straight and narrow" gays-only agenda.