Hate Crimes Cloture Vote Passes!

Pam's House Blend has the details of the 60-39 vote. The Republicans who voted in favor of the cloture vote were:

John Warner (R-VA)
Richard Lugar
Susan Collins
Olympia Snowe
George Voinovich
Arlen Specter
Judd Gregg
Norm Coleman
Gordon Smith
All Democrats and Sanders (I-VT), Lieberman (I-CT) voted in favor of ending debate on whether LGBT individuals should be included in hate crime legislation, which has been attached to the Defense Reauthorization Bill.

UPDATE 9:23pm PDT: I forgot to mention that after the cloture vote, the Senate passed the bill by unanimous consent so the hate crimes bill has now passed both houses of Congress, the first trans-inclusive piece of federal legislation to ever do so. Of course, the current occupant of the Whote House has already annnounced his intention to veto the bill, if it makes it to his desk.