Update on missing man: Gary Vance

Via MyFox Birmingham - Police Say Missing Minister Could be in Vegas
Kimberly Police announced that evangelist Gary Vance apparently bought a bus ticket and left for Las Vegas.

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He apparently took the taxi to the Greyhound Bus Station where he bought a ticket to Las Vegas under an assumed name.
Police say no foul play was involved.
No charges are pending at this time.
Kimberly Police have notified Las Vegas Police that Vance may be in the area.
Early this morning I was given similar information by my mother, but told not a distribute the info until it was announced at a news conference. The interesting thing is that this information does not completely comport with the information as it was given to me. First of all, the destination of the bus he was said to have boarded was different that that listed in the news article. Also, the story as it was told to me indicated that he was very disoriented at the bus station and that the police believe him to be in an impaired mental state. The FOX article makes it sound like he just skipped town and I still do not believe that to be the case. That he left of his own free will, maybe, but if so I believe he was confused and/or disoriented.

Also, I am not willing to take what this news source says at total face value simply because they have not gotten their facts straight prior to this point either. In earlier reports they listed him as living in Fayette County when he actually lives in Jefferson County and they said he was the former pastor at Mount Olive Assembly of God and I am told by my mother that that is not accurate either.

UPDATE: The video associated with the story is actually a little more accurate and more telling then the article. I couldn't watch the video at first and had to view it on a different computer.