A Statement from Carolyn Vance, wife of "missing" Gary Vance

I received this statement in an e-mail just moments ago from my Aunt Carolyn and was asked to share it with everyone. I am posting the e-mail in its entirety.
To Whom it may concern:

Whatever has happened to cause the events that have transpired in Gary Vance's life, whether physical, emotional or medical, it is our belief, hope and faith that he will return. So, we are collectively praying for his safety, well being and soon return.

Thank You,

Vance Family

Re: Missing Person - Gary Vance Family Statement

The family of Gary Vance is very thankful for all the help we received thus far from the Kimberly Police Dept. and other law enforcement personnel in the search for Gary. We also appreciate all the prayers and help from friends and all others concerned for our loved one. Although Gary is no longer officially listed as a missing person, Gary is still missing and the family is still concerned about his physical and mental health. We believe that Gary is functioning in an impaired mental condition due to his health concerns and brain damage from a prior head injury. We are not giving up hope. We plan to continue our search to locate him. Any information or help will be appreciated.

We are submitting this prayer to go out to everyone because we know God hears and answers our prayers and we want to be in one accord in our united effort according to Acts 1:14.


Father, we thank You that in Your Word You say if someone had a hundred sheep and one of them wanders off, wouldn't he leave the ninety-nine and go after the one? You said You don't want to lose even one of Your believers. (Matthew 18 MSG) You said You are the shepherd and You're going after Your sheep! You said You would rescue them from all the places they've been scattered to by the storms of life. You said You will go after the lost. You'll collect the strays. You'll doctor the injured. You'll build up the weak ones. (Ezekiel 34 MSG)

God, at this very moment You know where Gary Vance is. We ask You, as it says in Your Word, that at this very moment Bro. Gary will say "I will return...for it was better for me then than now" (Hosea 2:7b). Like the prodigal son, we ask that Bro. Gary would come to himself (Luke 15:17) and listen to Your call and remember how precious he is to You and his family and so many others. In the name of Jesus, we come against every stronghold and cast down every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing his every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5) We decree that our brother has the mind of Christ. You said Your sheep know Your voice and the voice of another they will not follow. (John 10) Bro. Gary is Your sheep so we thank You, Father, for silencing every voice but Yours.

God, You said You would perfect that which concerns us. (Psalm 138). You will not forsake the work of Your hands. We thank You, Father, that what the enemy intended to use to bring harm, You can turn around and bring glory to Your name. (Genesis 50:20)

Father, we pray for peace for Sis. Carolyn and the entire family. God, You are our Jehovah Shalom, God our peace. You give us peace that passes all understanding. Even in the midst of this situation, Father, You can give this family peace as You intervene on their behalf. We pray that they rest securely in the knowledge that You hold each of them safely under the shadow of Your wings.

God, nothing is impossible to You! We ask You this day for supernatural intervention in this situation. We ask for resolution that will bring glory to You and complete wholeness to Bro. Gary and restoration to the entire family. In Jesus' name, Amen!

UPDATE: Gary is no longer missing and has been in touch with his family. Thank you for all your concern.