Angelides Wins LA TIMES endorsement

In Sunday's Los Angeles Times Phil Angelides won the newspaper's endorsement in his race for the Democratic nomination for Governor.
That candidate is Phil Angelides. He may lack charisma, but he doesn't lack conviction, and he has been unwavering in his criticism of quick fixes and false budget promises. He has more experience in state office than Westly, whose "fix-it" approach to government is appealing at first but on closer inspection appears shallow.

Angelides may be dull, but he is not shallow. His commitment to healthcare reform, education, environmental protection and fiscal responsibility are real. We are wary of his quick jump to taxes but acknowledge some respect for his willingness to tell it as he sees it. We are not fans of his website's childish anti-Schwarzenegger cartoon. But we are confident Angelides is better than his website. He is the best Democratic candidate to challenge the governor and debate the future of California.
This is a significant achievement by the Angelides campaign. I know I promised earlier I would have my endorsement by Tuesday the 16th but I am having real difficulty deciding who to back. People I trust and respect have signed up with both camps (Weho City Coucilman John Duran, LA Gay and Lesbian Center head Lorri Jean and Equality California for Westly; Vincent Jones and U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer and the Democratic party "establishment" for Angelides). I hope to now have a decision by next Tuesday, but I can't promise anything because I'm off to the East Coast for a conference on the Mathematics of Social Justice most of next week. I have received my absentee ballot and will be blogging more about that over the weekend.