Governor Angelides or Governor Westly?

California's largest statewide LGBT political organization Equality California has endorsed Steve Westly for Governor. This is very interesting news in queer progressive circles. State Controller Westly is in a tight, tough race with State Treasurer Phil Angelides for the Democratic nomination for governor, to be decided on June 6, 2006. MadProfessah has been blogging about this race for months and has been polling other activists since last summer and no-one has wanted to make a choice between these two very gay-supportive politicians. Both Westly and Angelides have openly gay staffers, they have both said they would have signed the same-sex marriage bill which passed the state legislature last year but was vetoed by Governor Schwarzenegger. Recently, after trailing in most published polls for months, Angelides campaign received a boost by winning the official endorsement of the California Democratic Party last week.

I'll try to have an endorsement in the Governor's race by next Tuesday, when we'll be 3 weeks away from the statewide primary date.