MadProfessah Endorsements for CA's November 2, 2010 General Election

Finally, the moment you have been waiting for!  Here are MadProfessah's positions on how I will be voting in the November 2 Statewide General Election, compared with endorsements from other organizations like the Los Angeles TimesCalitics.comCA Democratic PartyLos Angeles County Democratic PartyStonewall Democratic Club (LGBT group), CA League of Women Voters and Courage Campaign's Progressive Voter Guide. Previously, I had posted my endorsements for the June 8, 2010 primary election.

Proposition        ME   LAT  CALITICS CA DEM LA DEM LWV
19 (Marijuana) YES NO YES --- YES ---
20 (Redistricting) NO YES NO NO NO NO
21 (State Parks) YES NO YES YES YES ---
22 (Local Funds) NO NO --- NO NO ---
23 (Suspends AB-32)NO NO NO NO NO NO
24 (Ends Tax Cuts) YES   NO    YES    YES    YES   YES
25 (Majority Vote) YES   YES   YES    YES    YES   YES
26 (2/3 Fee Vote)  NO    NO    NO     NO     NO    NO
27 (Undoes Prop 11)YES   NO    YES    YES    YES   NO

Governor Brown Brown Brown
U.S. Senator             Boxer*     Boxer*   Boxer*
Lieutenant Governor Newsom Newsom Newsom
Attorney General Harris Cooley Harris
Secretary of State Bowen* Bowen* Bowen*
Treasurer  Lockyer* Lockyer* Lockyer*
Controller               Chiang*    Chiang*  Chiang*
Insurance Commissioner Jones Jones Jones
Supt. of Public Inst. Torlakson Aceves Torlakson
Bd. of Equalization, #1  Yee*       ---      Yee*    
Bd. of Equalization, #2  ---        ---      Parker
Bd. of Equalization, #3  ---        ---      Christian-Heising
Bd. of Equalization, #4  ---        ---      Horton*  

Jerome Horton is an African-American incumbent, but when he was in the state legislature he was an unreliable vote on LGBT issues. He has since tried to make amends, but MadProfessah can not in good conscience endorse him, although I will note that the Stonewall Democrats have.

There are several judicial races on the ballot for which it is often hard to get information on.

Other Races                ME        LA TIMES        DEMOCRATS
CA Sup. Crt. Chief Justice ---- Cantil-Sakauye
CA Sup. Crt. Justice       Moreno    Moreno          Moreno
CA Sup. Crt. Justice       ----      Chin            ---
Superior Court, No. 28     Ameli     Hammock         Ameli
Superior Court, No. 117    Schneider Schneider       Schneider
L.A. County Assessor       Noguez    Yong            
Additionally, every Court of Appeals Justice and three State Supreme Court justices are up for re-election (or re-appointment). The Los Angeles Times basically says that every incumbent justice is worthy of re-election. However, Justice Carlos Moreno is the only State Supreme Court justice that thought Proposition 8 violated the state constitution. Ming Chin was in the minority of the 2008 In Re Marriage Cases decision and should NOT be re-appointed. Tani Cantil-Sakauye is Governor Schwarzenegger's nominee to replace Chief Justice Ron George; if approved she'll be the first female and Phillipine-American to head California's highest court. Since we know so little about her, I can't support voting to confirm her. I think it's silly that George didn't wait until the new Governor to be elected  before retiring earlier this year anyway.

There are numerous openly LGBT people running for elected office. John Noguez for Los Angeles County Assessor. In statewide legislative districts there is Ricardo Lara (AD-50) and John Perez (AD-46).