The Sunless City Built on Rock: Opening the StarG8 via Patricia Arquette

Tomorrow on the Equinox and beginning of Libra I head on Calm Air to the Northern Mantioba town of FLIN FLON.

The town is named after a character in a book called THE SUNLESS CITY.

Flin Flon is short for Josiah FLINTabbatey FlonaTIN. The prospector who goes into the bottomless lake in a submarine and finds a city ruled by women, streets made of gold, tin as currency. He is a bachelor so he escapes out of a crater of an old volcano.

Here is a classic Canadian short film by the National Film Board about Flin Flon and how it got it's peculiar name. I remember it from seeing it on TV as a child.

The cartoonist Al Cap designed a version of Flin Flon which is a now a statue in the town.

While in Flin Flon I will get the chance to edit "Hair Peace" the next Radio8Balll collaboration with Kotze starring Patricia Arquette.

Patricia is a Portal of Balance/Libra.

Jake tells me Flin Flon sounds like the movie City of Ember. Which is about a sunless city. I just downloaded it and I plan to watch the torrent during my Calm Air flight tomorrow afternoon.

Which is curious as the poster highlights the letter E with a lighting bolt and E is the 5th letter of the alphabet and the 5th planet from the sun (which is also a really big 5 right now high in the fall sky). The lightning bolt is a symbol of Jupiter. All of which was an inspiration of this Channel No. 5 collage I did last week.

And this is still the month of Step EMBER.

OCTOBER stands out from the other two Ember Months (NovEMBER & decEMBER).

October is an anagram for: TO BE ROC.

Who the heck knows what lays ahead.

Will report in.

Peach In Peach Out
