Jim shows us this scene from the Emilio Estevez starring Freejack in post K2 StarCup where two timeliness are represented as converging crossHAIRS creating an overlapping Vesica shape. Future dudes are trying to zap him from the past (one crosshair) into the future (another crosshair).
Inside the target is Estevez and his F1 Race Car the Black Swan. His car has launched into the air and is about to hit the word NISSAN.
Two have become aligned i.e when Self and Other are no more perceived as separate but as two facets of an indivisible whole.
BAD (214/Jupiter) Girl Lindsay Lohan has been in the media spotlight for her so called 'troubled' personal life.
She was released from rehab on Tuesday 24 August after spending 23 of an intended 90 day stay.
Attention on a Star, regardless of consensus reasoning for why this person is of interest, highlights that Star in Consciousness as a potent resonator of syncnificance.
Why is awareness highlighting that particular Star with fascination? This is what I always wonder when I keep hearing a celebrities name.
By checking the themes and patterns, a.k.a syncs, attracting to this star, we can unravel the mystery of why a Star is Shining so brightly in our Consciousness with WE/ME's collective attention.
I we can let go of any preconceived ideas about our species fascination with media we find mainstream culture is infinitely elegant and profound about what it concerns itself with.
WE/ME are always loudly telling our Self exactly where we are at collectively, in the process of Self Realization, via the biggest and brightest most overt and simple massages surrounding us all the time.
If the NOW doesn't bring peace its because you think you kNOW what it is. WE/ME do not. The NOW is not a concept and is beyond the mind, it if for this very reason it brings peace.
Lindsay Lohan contains Holy and Nisan and is an anagram for Holy Lad Nisan. I make the Lad Lady doubling what is already there, Y in this case.
Relax the ordering principal of your mind, no fear, all association already does just that.
Lohan aka Holy Lady Nisan stars in Bobby directed by Emilio Estevez. Nisan, which we saw in association with Estevez in Freejack, is a month of the Hebrew Calender. It corresponds to March-April and is associated to Spring. Nisan is also the name of April in Arabic.
Perfectly 'N Sync Holy Lady Nisan is appearing on screen, next week Friday September 3, as April (Nisan in Hebrew and Arabic) in Robert Rodriguez's Machete. As a nun she entrains with the Holy aspect in her name as well as the Nisan part, being called April.
The name of the month is Babylonian; in the Torah it is called the month of the Aviv, referring to the month in which barley was ripe.
In Akkadian nisānu, from Sumerian nisag "First fruits"
Wiki Nisan
Nisan is a month of Spring and Easter, resonating the fertility of the rabbit/hare.
Jim made this image splicing the sign of Virgo over the Freejack crossHAIRS. We see that Virgo has a Vesica Portal. Virgo starts on 23 August the day before Holy Lady Nisan (and April in Machete) was released from rehab.
The fertility of Nisan resonates the child bearing destiny of the Virgin.
The film Switch was released on Friday 20 August, entraining with the movement from Leo into Virgo. The theme of the film screams 'Virgin Birth!'
Kassie Singleton (Jennifer Aniston) decides she wants to have a baby. Despite the objections of her neurotic best friend Wally (Jason Bateman), she chooses to do it alone..
Wiki The Switch Plot
We see the word Juno on The Switch poster as the same people were involved in both films. Pregnant Ellen page is Juno the female Jupiter sitting on her Tiger (Chinese Zodiac for 2010) rug.
X Marks the Spot of Inception and Page is herself an X-Woman.
Same date as The Switch opened Jupiter received an impact. We can perceive Jupiter as an ovum and the 20 August 2010 comet as a fertilizing sperm.
2010 and the Pregnant Jupiter/Juno is now associated with this time period of the Virgin.
During Leo we saw the 2010 Inception/Insemination (as Inception was the big film in theaters during most of this sign) with Juno/The Architect/Page. Now we are in Virgo and the Holy Virgin is pregnant and with StarChild.
Lohan, Our Lady Nisan, with the 2010 Tiger on her shirt in A Prairie Home Companion.
Manitoba is a Canadian Prairie Province.
The name Manitoba (meaning "strait of the spirit" or "lake of the prairies") is believed to be derived from the Cree, Ojibwe or Assiniboine language.
Wiki Manitoba
Winnipeg's Legislative Building (built as a representation of Solomon's Temple) is topped by the Wheat carrying Golden Boy.
It is perched facing North on the dome of the Manitoba Legislative Building in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, and it is arguably Manitoba's best known symbol
Wiki Golden Boy (Manitoba)
Wheat is one of Virgo's attributes..
The Greeks and Romans associated this constellation with their goddess of wheat, Demeter-Ceres, who is the mother of Proserpina-Persephone. Alternatively, she was sometimes identified as the virgin goddess Iustitia, holding the scales of justice in her hand as the constellation Libra.[4] In the Middle Ages, this constellation was sometimes associated with the Blessed Virgin Mary.[3]
Wiki Virgo Constellation Mythology
Golden Boy is the Big Baby birthed in the Crosshair Center of the Continent.
Peace In
Just went over the stills I took when watching Mean Girls...
Lohan points her index finger - associated to Jupiter in palmistry - with a Zodiac wheel in shot. Virgo is one of the signs visible, winking from behind the computer screen.
The school's mascot is the Lion/Leo.
TINa Fey who's name contains the TIN is seen above with a Rainbow button.
Tin has the same symbol as Jupiter containing the 42 which is the angle at which we can see a rainbow.
Lohan with William Blake's Ancient of Days hovering above her head.
fey |fā|adjectivegiving an impression of vague unworldliness : his mother was a strange, fey woman.• having supernatural powers of clairvoyance.• chiefly Scottish fated to die or at the point of death : now he is fey, he sees his own death, and I see it too.ORIGIN Old English fǣge (in the sense [fated to die soon] ).