Space Weather
On August 1, 2010, scientists at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA), using images taken from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, observed a series of four large CMEs emanating from the earth-facing hemisphere. They were expected to strike the earth's geomagnetic field sometime between August 4 and early August 5. As of 05:00 UTC August 4
Wikipedia Coronal Mass Ejection August 2010
I enjoyed the entrainment of the Leonardo DiCaprio and Inception with the sign of Leo. Inception has been out for 3 weeks since July 16 and Top of the Box Office for the whole time we have been in Leo since 22 July.
This shows the powerful relationship between film Star resonators and the actual Stars. As above so below.
Inception also has actor Cillian Murphy as The Mark. "The Mark" is another name for The Number of the Beast aka 666.
Jim tells me that 999 becomes 729 as 9*9*9=729. 999 is just 666 upside down. 666 resonates 729
Jim wrote in The Beginning of Something Big:
729 for some is the number of the Sun. This being Leo, then this date seems to resonate the Sun within the Sun. Twin Sun date.
"729 is the number of the Sun, the square of 27, the number of the Moon, and the cube of 9, the number of the Earth"
"The (philosopher) king lives 729 times more pleasantly..." - Plato's Republic
Then on the date resonating that number July 29 or 7/27 this happened also noted in the Something Big post.
Yesterday, 28 July 2010, the above simple & elegant circle dot, symbol of the sun, formation was reported.
Today this eye-popping stunner gives us a powerful sync KicK, moving us up (or down, same..same) a level.
(Do you see the 3D effect I'm talking about?)
Its like the 28th prepared us to make the jump from the old level and ready us to be able to recognize the New Dimension of 7/29.
Jim says above that 729 is the number of the sun and this circle on 7/29 is more then enough for me to get on-board!
I dig how it got a third tier the next day.
Another teaching about this circle is that it is generally considered as having been man made. The synchromystic has no bias towards what the chain of events that lead to or from a phenomena are. All chains and trains of sync ultimately start and end in the mystery of ultimate Being.
During a trip last week with Jim to the Manitoba Legislature we noticed the Lion heads all over the main entrance.
This room, seeing the Grand Staircase flanked by two Bison, is a perfect square measuring 66.6 feet on each side.
Within the main entrance is the Grand Staircase. This is a perfectly square room measuring 66.6 feet (20.3 m) on each side, which is meant to represent the numerological number 666, which are all the numbers added from one to 36, which is the square of 6, in mathematics, geometry, and arithmetic.
Wikipedia Manitoba Legislative Building
The grand staircase is situated in the grand staircase hall.
The room equates to the outer chamber of King Solomon's Temple.
The room is also known as the Room of Protection.
Frank Albo from Virtual Tour of the Manitoba Legislative Building
The Bison (resonating the Twin Sun), the lions and other figures are used to "banish/dispel evil and to 'cleanse' the inhabitants of the building" (again Frank from the website above).
The room has a big sunroof or skylight that allows the rays of the sun in to hit the sculptures (Frank says on his tour "to activate them") and purify those who enter.
I think this depiction of the purification process at the entrance of Solomon's (Sol/Sun) Temple is a fractal what we are going through right now as a species. We must let go of all doubts, fears, attachments, resentments etc before we can penetrate the rest of the temple mysteries.
Just as the sun purifies those enter the temple (model of the universe) the sun's Coronal Mass Ejection is bathing us in sun/star energy.
Many, most (all?) I encounter are going through intense purging periods in their lives.. Including me. Lots of tension which makes me look at what I am holding on to. I feel I can see so much better because of all this Leo/Sun light.
I love that Cillian Murphy, The Mark 666, is also in Sunlight by Danny Boyle (DB/42) who made The Beach.
We can associate 666 to the Sun/Son and Christ (HeyZeus/Jupiter) for various reasons including the 729 thing noted above and this Murphy/Sun sync.
It is verified by Sunburn with Cillian Murphy where he is crowned by 2140.
214 is BAD and the number of Jupiter/Lucifer Sun of the Morning.
Jim made this diagram showing double rainbow as 84 or a Circle Rainbow.
Today is August 4 or 84 aka Double Rainbow.
We see the circle Rainbow or 84 behind Cillian Murphy on the Breakfast on Pluto poster. In this film Liam Neeson (Zeus/Jupiter in Clash of the Titans) is his father.
The rainbow hits the exact spot on the poster that sees Liam Neeson's (NeeSUN) name. Appropriate as he is Zeus/Jupiter whose number is 42 the angle at which we can see a rainbow.