Just read a comment by O.G sync blogger Micheal from Gosporn over at Look at All the Happy Creatures, Never Doubt Synchronicity. The post mentions Jim's Double Rainbow as 84 idea which sparks this comment from Michael.
Wow. Interesting that today, 8/4, we see California Prop. 8 overturned in Federal District Court as unconstitutional. While the "coronal ejection" AKA crown seminal fluid baths the planet.
Micheal associates the Courts dessication to overturn Prop 8 (which made gay marriage illegal) to August 4 or 8/4 resonating Double Rainbow.
Micheal is a gay man who has always incorporated that theme into his work so it makes total sense he would pick this up...

Jupiter relates to words Jovian/Jovial thus Joy or Gay.
Here is a Sync Whole post about Gay Pride and the Temple as Jupiter from last year, Jovian Pride.
Above is Funny or Die's clip called Prop 8 - The Musical starring Jack Black and John C. Reilly.